WSU BIOLOGY 107 - Organelles

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BOLOGY 107 Lecture 7 Outline of Last Lecture I Cell Biology a Microscopy b Prokaryotes c Eukaryotes Outline of Current Lecture II Cell Biology a Organelles i Ribosomes ii Nucleus iii Endomembrane system 1 Endoplasmic reticulum 2 Golgi apparatus 3 Lysosomes 4 Vacuoles Current Lecture Cell Biology 1 Organelles i little organs ii Frequently membrane bound b Ribosomes i Carry out protein synthesis ii Have no membrane can associate with the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum iii It is a single large ribonucleoprotien RNA and protein complex 1 Large and small subunits c Nucleus i Encased in nuclear envelope 1 Double membrane 2 Protein grid structure lined with nuclearlamina 3 Materials pass through pore complexes ii Houses DNA 1 Organized by proteins to chromatin These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute iii Nucleolus 1 Ribosome assembly site d Endomembrane system i Interrelated organelles 1 Interact by direct contact or vesicle transport ii Includes the nuclear envelope endoplasmic reticulum golgi apparatus lysosomes and vacuoles iii Traffic occurs through vesicles 1 Membrane packets iv Involved in protein synthesis and transport lipid metabolism and distribution detoxification and sending outside compounds v Endoplasmic reticulum 1 Perinuclear around the nucleus 2 Smooth ER a Lipid synthesis carb production calcium synthesis for cell signaling and detoxification of P450S 3 Rough ER a Protein production for the system and secretion gate keeper for vesicle transportation membrane synthesis vi Golgi apparatus 1 Junxtanuclear near or next to the nucleus 2 Flattened stacks of membrane 3 Cis and trans sides 4 Protein processing carb synthesis and storage vii Lysosomes 1 Bound pocket containing hydrolytic enzymes a Acidic b Process the harvest from phagosytosis i Food is taken into vacuole lysosomes fuse and release enzymes to digest c Break down dead organelles d Recycle macromolecules e Perform autophagy self destruction viii Vacuoles 1 Storage vesicles a Store food are contractile and enzymatic hydrolysis in plants only b Only plants have central vacuole ix Visualizing the system 1 Use green fluorescent protein a Isolated from jellyfish b Used to visualize processes c Can be mutated for other colors 2 Use temperature sensitive secretion a restrictive temperatures i 40 C unfold a protein it cannot leave the ER ii 32 C protein folds and moves on

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WSU BIOLOGY 107 - Organelles

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