BOLOGY 107 Lecture 1 Outline of Last Lecture I No previous lecture Outline of Current Lecture II Themes in Biology a How biology is organized III Water a Properties of water Current Lecture Themes in Biology Organization hierarchies biosphere ecosystem communities populations organisms organs and organ systems tissues cells organelles molecules Organisms interact transfer and transformation of energy Form is related to function DNA stores instructions for life directs cellular and organismic instructions Biological pathways are self regulating negative feedback Domains Bacteria Archaea and Eukarya Biological molecules have distinct characteristics based on the chemistry of the constituent atoms Water Polar molecule hydrogen bonds emergent properties Emergent properties Cohesive Surface tension Adhesion xylem sap Moderates Temperature High specific heat Evaporation cooling high heat of evaporation Expands During Freezing Ice floats creates an insulating barrier for water underneath Versatile Solvent High dialectic constant pulls ions apart These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute
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