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    Pages: 4   
    Covers spirometry, henry's law, dalton's law and all off of the terms, reactions and equations involved in the respiration of air in the lungs.
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    Pages: 4   
    Covers the generation and destruction of red blood cells in the body. It also discusses the importance of pressure regulation in the blood, exchange and clotting.
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    Pages: 4   
    Deals with the composition, and function of plasma in the body. Mainly dealing with the transport of gases, ions, and nutrients in the plasma to other tissues. Includes reactions in plasma that maintain the body's pH.
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    Pages: 4   
    This overviews the function of blood in the body and the components that make up blood. It also reviews the different options for changing blood pressure.
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    Pages: 5   
    This lecture covers blood pressure in the body and its importance in circulation. It explains resistance, and other variables that can be adjusted to see changes in blood pressure
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    Pages: 4   
    Reinforces the importance of rate, rhythm and output in the heart, and discusses the Pressure/ Volume loop in relationship to the EKG (ECG) and what is happening in the heart. We should now have a pretty good idea how to read pressure, volume and electrical impulse graphs and determine what is occurring in the heart, and when. (*Test yourself with FIGURE 14.18)
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    Pages: 5   
    Covers the Histology, the electrical conduction pathway of the heart in detail and the blood flow of the heart.
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    Pages: 4   
    Covers the cardiovascular system and the importance of blood in the body, including the basics of blood flow
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    Pages: 4   
    Covers how to optimize use of muscle fibers and utilize our muscles to suppress fatigue
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    Pages: 3   
    Covers all of the structure of skeletal muscle and the process of muscle contraction
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    Pages: 6   
    Covers all the Sympathetic and parasympathetic system, as well as the the functions and actions of smooth muscle
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    Pages: 4   
    Discusses memory and behavior storage in the brain and then goes on to discuss the Autonomic nervous system, and begins to introduce the sympathetic and parasympathetic system
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    Pages: 4   
    Covers the central nervous system reguarding behavior, emotion, sleep/ wake cycles, and its needs and structure
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    Pages: 5   
    This lecture covers all the special senses, their structures and their pathways from the outside lecture recordings due to a cancellation of class. Note that the taste sense is not included because Prof. Gilchrist informed us to follow the notes from 2/12 on taste instead.
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    Pages: 5   
    Covers Afferent senses including the all of the Somatic sensory and visceral system, and began the Special senses, covering taste and smell.
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    Pages: 7   
    Covers Signals speed and intensity, Deals with the presynaptic and postsynaptic effects that are possible, as well discusses the different Neurotransmitter signals
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    Pages: 3   
    Covers Nerve Impulses Quickly reminds us of the electrical gradient that exists in the cell, goes over the Energies of Nerves, goes into great detail explaining Graded potential and Action Potential in a cell.
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    Pages: 5   
    Covers Neurons Explains structure of neurons, Why they communicate, How they communicate, the areas of the brain and the body that are involved and the refluxes and impulses that they relay.
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    Pages: 6   
    Discussion of Metabolism, covering Glycolysis Beta oxidation Protein Catalysis Deamination Krebs Cycle and Electron transport chain
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    Pages: 3   
    Transport across the Membrane Passive Transport (Simple diffusion, Facilitated Diffusion, Osmosis) down a concentration gradient Active Transport (Primary and secondary) up a concentration gradient
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    Pages: 4   
    Proteins (Enzymes) and Cell membrane importance
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    Pages: 3   
    Continuation of types of Biomolecules, including Lipids and Nucleic Acids
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    Pages: 6   
    Discusses the chemical basics of physiology Particularly discusses 2 of the 4 types of molecules in the body
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    Pages: 4   
    Overall introduction of Physiology General Questions General Themes


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