WSU BIOLOGY 107 - Gene Therapy and Genomics

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BOLOGY 107 Lecture 39 Outline of Last Lecture I Biotechnology a Gel electrophoresis b Probes c Genetic engineering of organisms d Cloning an organism Outline of Current Lecture II Biotechnology a Cloning an organism b Gene therapy c DNA sequencing d Genomics Current Lecture Biotechnology 1 Cloning an organism a Animals i Fuse DNA with an egg or introduce genes for transcriptions factors to start process ii Is the animal identical to the previous 1 More often no Can be different from 2 Mitochondrial DNA damage from original DNA environmental influences nature vs nurture random factors epigenetics modification of DNA iii Example CC Carbon Copy the first cloned cat 1 X inactivation not reset lead to a different color pattern 2 Gene therapy a Fix the genetics of an individual b Targets adult stem cells i A virus is created with the missing or corrected gene ii The stem cells are infected and injected into the individual c Problems with this method i Cannot control a virus well can lead to other problem 1 One instance lead to cancer ii New cells have to compete with the unmodified cells for growth and replication These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 3 DNA sequencing a Dideoxy method i Based on replication ii Uses dideoxynucleotides ddNTPs 1 Lack 3 OH 2 Terminate elongation of DNA iii Combine template strand synthetic primer for a certain sequence dNTPs small amounts of ddNTPs with fluorescent tags one color for each type of base A G T C iv Reactions 1 DNA replication occurs many times in a test tube with all of the components 2 A ddNTP will be used randomly and terminate elongation a Gives a set product with a definite distance from the primer b Color of base tells what the pair is v Detection 1 Use gel electrophoresis in a test tube to separate strands by length 2 A laser is used to detect each color as it passes a The earliest colors are closest to the primers and the latter colors are farther 3 A map is made based on matching color to base and the speed at which the color was detected 4 Genomics a Study of the whole genome b Bioinformatics computational methods for storing and analyzing data c Directed approach i Map the genome 1 Make libraries with overlapping pieces 2 Because of prior mapping regions can be placed in proper chromosome locations d Whole genome shotgun approach i Randomly sequence everything in genome 1 Let the computer sort out the map 2 Fragments must overlap to connect regions a Cannot tell where the sequence fits on the chromosome ii Compile and annotate the information 1 Compare the genomes of individuals 2 Identify functionality of sequences

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WSU BIOLOGY 107 - Gene Therapy and Genomics

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