WSU BIOLOGY 107 - Genetic Engineering

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BOLOGY 107 Lecture 38 Outline of Last Lecture I Biotechnology a DNA cloning b Other DNA techniques Outline of Current Lecture II Biotechnology a Gel electrophoresis b Probes c Genetic engineering of organisms d Cloning an organism Current Lecture Biotechnology 1 Gel electrophoresis a Separates nucleic acids for each other i Electric current drives DNA forward ii Gel selectively allows passive based on size 1 Shorter DNA travels farther faster iii Use a stain to visualize DNA iv Can be done with proteins as well 2 Probes a Complementary nature of nucleic acids can be used to detect specific sequences i Create short synthetic DNA complementary to the target sequence 1 Attach a detectable label 2 Incubate with DNA or RNA 3 Detect location of specific sequences and how much is there b Can detect mRNA in tissues i In Situ hybridization c Can add different color labels for many different mRNAs i Florescent In Situ Hybridization FISH d Can be used on whole chromosomes i Use chromosome painting to show arrangement in interphase e Can be scaled up to 1 000 000 tests at once on a microchip i Evaluate every gene at once These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute ii Investigate diversity 1 Single nucleotide polymorphism 3 Genetic engineering of organisms a Plants i Insert foreign DNA 1 Ti plasmid in Agrobacterium can conjugate with eukaryotes 2 Gene gun shoot gold with DNA attached into a cell ii Grow the plant from a single cell iii Advantages 1 Grow plants for harsh environments 2 Modify nutritional content 3 Herbicide and pesticide resistance 4 Protein production for research and medicine b Animals i Inject DNA into zygote 1 Can be a single sequence nucleus or a whole cell ii Implant into surrogate mother or grow in cell culture iii Uses 1 Increase agricultural production 2 Pharmacology and biotechnology a Study proteins or drugs or study 3 Biomedical research a Label proteins b Investigate physiology i Normal vs diseased phenotypes c Gene therapy future 4 Cloning an organism a Cell differentiation i Cells specialize 1 Totipotent can become any cell 2 Pluripotent can become some cells ii Once specialized very hard to reverse iii Stem cells can differentiate into many cells 1 Embryonic some from stem cells 2 Adult limited cell types b Plants i Cells can readily dedifferentiate into stem cells

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WSU BIOLOGY 107 - Genetic Engineering

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