WSU BIOLOGY 107 - Viruses

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BOLOGY 107 Lecture 35 Outline of Last Lecture I Bacteria and Archaea a Why is resistance spreading b Prokaryotic metabolism c Archaea d Roles of bacteria II Viruses Rapid adaptation Outline of Current Lecture III Viruses a Life cycle b Bacteriophages c Treatment d Retroviruses Current Lecture Viruses 1 Life cycle a Viral genome infects the cell i Un coats injects DNA or RNA leave protein coat behind b Uses host machinery to replicate viral genome and express viral proteins c Viral particles self assemble d Exits the host i Causes the most damage to the cell 1 Can lyse the cell 2 Can disrupt transcription regulation of host cells genes by inserting viral DNA into the hosts genome can cause cancer 2 Bacteriophages bacterial viruses a Lytic cycle i Results in host cell lysis bursting b Lysogenic cycle i Integrates genome into the hosts genome ii Does not kill cell replicates DNA with host to propagate iii Can become lytic later c Capsid These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute i Protein shell around virus 1 Diverse in shape ii Can have an envelope 1 Lipid bilayer around the capsid in some viruses 2 Comes from the host membrane 3 Contains glycoproteins a Help the virus infect other hosts d Host range i Infect specific tissues and species 1 Due to capsid and envelope proteins of virus interacting with the host membrane ii Can be broad or narrow 1 Can affect many species or just one tissue in a particular species 3 Treatment a Vaccination i Raise antibodies to attack virus before it can infect b Treat symptoms i Happens when virus mutates quickly so it is hard to target c Slow the progression of infection i Happens with cases like HIV 4 Retroviruses a Require RNA to be copied to DNA i Virus also inject Reverse Transcriptase RTase 1 Translates RNA to DNA to be replicated by the host proteins a An example would be HIV b HIV i Has capsid and envelope ii 2 RNAs and 2 RTases 1 Encodes a RTase capsid proteins envelope proteins protease integrase TFs and regulatory proteins

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WSU BIOLOGY 107 - Viruses

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