UGA ADSC 2010 - Horse Production
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ADSC 2010 Lecture 38 Outline of Last Lecture I Selling to Grower Finisher II Farrow to Finish III Multiplier Purebred IV Swine Diseases A Bacterial Viral B Nutritional Outline of Current Lecture I A Day in the Life of a Horse Farmer A 7 30 Feed Horses a Myth 1 b Horse Quirks c Myth 2 B 8 30 Water Horses Current Lecture Horse Production I A Day in the Life of a Horse Farmer A 7 30 Feed Horses a Myth 1 all horses need grain Forage first pasture then hay then grain Growing late gestation lactation HEAVILY worked horses need grain Minimize 1 long stem forage dry matter b Horse Quirks Cannot vomit cardiac sphincter is tightly closed colic Must chew for saliva production o Lubrication acts as buffer bicarbonates o Acid continually secreted prone to ulcers Small stomach 8 10 GI Tract rapid rate of passage in small intestine 30 GI Tract o LI 60 GI Tract o SI 70 feet food in SI for 1 1 5 hours doesn t digest fiber or water o Food in stomach for 15 10 minutes High grain diets o No more than 0 75 BW gain at one time 7 7 5 lbs o Laminitis founder c Myth 2 protein level is the determining factor of energy level of feed Energy found in carbs and fats Feed more with more work 12 feed is all you need any more waste ammonia kidney problems Feed by weight of Horse Feed to condition score o Scale 1 too skinny to 9 too fat o Keep them somewhere near 5 6 o Can t see ribs but you can feel them Feed by weight and not volume o Not scoops because feeds weigh different amounts B 8 30 Water Horses Clean fresh water Automatic waterers o CHECK THEM o Break ice remove the ice o Winter more colic

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UGA ADSC 2010 - Horse Production

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 3
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