WSU BIOLOGY 107 - Bacteria and Archaea

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BOLOGY 107 Lecture 32 Outline of Last Lecture I Eukaryotic Gene Regulation a Chromatin b Eukaryotic transcription regulation c Post transcriptional regulation Outline of Current Lecture II Bacteria and Archaea a Two of the three domains of life b Cell features c Cell organization d Prokaryotic cell division e Rapid adaptation Current Lecture Bacteria and Archaea 1 Two of the three domains of life a Both prokaryotes i No membrane bound organelles ii Cell wall iii 0 5 5 m in diameter iv Unicellular can be colonial b Three shapes i Cocci spherical ii Bacilli rod iii Spirelli spiral 2 Cell features a Cell wall protective layer of polysaccharides i Bacteria have a peptidoglycan layer 1 Thicker layer Gram stains purple a Layer thickness helps identify ii Archaea do not have peptidogylcan 1 Euchromatin in areas called transcription factories b Capsules i Sticky layer of polysaccharide and protein These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 1 Help with adherence and protection c Endospores i Copy of genome surrounded by membrane 1 Almost all water is removed 2 Allows for long term survival in adverse conditions d Fimbrae i Hair like appendages 1 Attach to surface or to other cells e Flagella different structure than those in eukaryotes i Motor with a hook and filament 1 Motor turns using proton motive force similar to ATP synthase corkscrew motion 2 Allows the cell to swim forwards and backwards 3 Cell organization a DNA in nucleoid region i Single circular genome ii Can have plasmids small extra genomic DNA circles with a small number of genes 1 Not species specific b Membrane can be infolded i Increase surface area for metabolic function 4 Prokaryotic cell division a Binary fission i Coordinated with DNA replication ii Origins of replication move to opposite sides of the cell and associate with the membrane the membrane pinches off in the middle 5 Rapid adaptation a Divide every 12 24 minutes i Every replication will incorporate some mutations ii Many chances for recombination of mutations to reach optimal conditions

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WSU BIOLOGY 107 - Bacteria and Archaea

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