BIOL 101 Guided Reading Questions GRQs Complete and submit this GRQ as a PDF before lecture and before your online Mastering Assignment L19 GRQs Populations Reading Objectives How do we estimate population size Compare and contrast the logistic and exponential population growth models Module 36 0 The study of population ecology can help protect endangered species 1 Why is it important to study populations like the red panda Because they re endangered and at risk of becoming extinct Module 36 1 36 2 Population ecology is the study of how and why populations change Density and dispersion patterns are important population variables 1 Define Population A group of individuals of one species living in the same geographic area potentially interbreed Population ecology Study of how members of a population interact with their environment focusing on factors that influence density and growth Population density Number of individuals of a species per unit area or volume Population dispersion The way individuals are spaced within their area 2 What are the three types of dispersion patterns Describe or draw them too Clumped individuals aggregated in patches Uniform individuals are evenly distributed Random unpredictable distribution Module 36 4 Idealized models predict patterns of population growth 1 How does a population gain individuals Born and immigrate Lose individuals Die and emigrate 2 How is the per capita rate of increase for a population represented symbol R 3 How is it calculated G N 100 t G growth N total population t time 4 Work through the example population of 100 rabbits 100 rabbits in a field 50 are born in one month to these 100 rabbits The net increase of rabbits per month is 50 100 0 5 r 5 What is the equation for exponential population growth G rN BIOL 101 Guided Reading Questions GRQs Complete and submit this GRQ as a PDF before lecture and before your online Mastering Assignment 6 So if a rabbit population with r 0 3 starts with 96 rabbits what will the growth be in one month Check your answer in Table 36 4A 26 7 Exponential growth model how would you describe it in words Idealized picture of unlimited population growth w o any restrictions on the abilities of organisms to live grow and reproduce 8 How would you describe the exponential model as a curve plot Draw it J shaped curve with a steeply increasing slope 9 Logistic growth model What is a limiting factor What does it do to growth 10 What does a typical curve for logistic growth look like Describe in words and draw it J shaped at first but gradually levels off to resemble an S 11 Define carrying capacity K 12 What is the equation for logistic growth G rN K N K 13 As the resources get used up what happens to the equation That is what happens to population growth as the population size approaches carrying capacity As resources get used up the value of K decreases Module 36 5 Multiple factor may limit population growth 1 What is the difference between a density dependent and a density independent limiting factor Give examples of both Module 36 9 The human population continues to increase but the growth rate is slowing 1 What kind of growth exponential or logistic is demonstrated by the human population 2 What year might the human population start to level off 3 What happens when birth rates and death rates are equal BIOL 101 Guided Reading Questions GRQs Complete and submit this GRQ as a PDF before lecture and before your online Mastering Assignment 4 What is the demographic transition 5 Describe Table 36 9 6 What is the relationship between developed vs non developed countries to this transition Watch The Mystery of The Buffalo Boom 7 minutes v c8OBaxttzlA https www youtube com watch 1 What were some of the hypotheses that were tested for why the population might be increasing 2 How does this story of the buffalo boom relate to what you know about immunity 3 What was discovered about why the population was growing
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