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BIOL 101 Guided Reading Questions GRQs Complete and submit this GRQ as a PDF before lecture and before your online Mastering Assignment L8 GRQs Photosynthesis Reading objectives Describe the two parts of photosynthesis and the inputs and outputs of both parts Explain what kind of sunlight is used by the plant and why sunlight is necessary Explain photophosphorylation in the light reactions of photosynthesis and describe how photophosphorylation is similar and different from the oxidative phosphorylation in aerobic respiration As a Biol 101 instructor I ve heard many students say I don t like plants I don t find them interesting Okay but like have you ever seen a venus fly trap eat an insect We don t all find all areas of science inherently interesting but take a moment before diving into one aspect of how plants work photosynthesis to decide WHY plants are important In fact see if you can list a few reasons why you think they are important 1 2 3 Take a quick look at this article to see if you ve hit on any of the areas that this article does Before reading Module 7 5 draw a picture of the chloroplast and its membranes see figure 7 2 the anatomy of the chloroplast is important to the process Module 7 5 Photosynthesis occurs in two stages which are linked by ATP and NADPH 1 Describe in words what happens in the light reaction of photosynthesis 2 How is the Calvin cycle linked to the light reaction 3 Examine figure 7 5B and describe it aloud Try to then look away and replicate similar drawing here in pencil Correct it until you have all the inputs and outputs of both parts BIOL 101 Guided Reading Questions GRQs Complete and submit this GRQ as a PDF before lecture and before your online Mastering Assignment Modules 7 6 7 8 Visible radiation absorbed by pigmetns druves the light reaction Photosystems capture solar energy Two photosystems connected by an electron transport chain convert light energy to the chemical energy of ATP and NADPH 1 What kind of visible light do plants NOT absorb well Why do plants have various pigments in the chloroplast 2 Describe what light does in a photosystem by writing a detailed legend for fig 7 7B 3 Describe Figure 7 8 a mechanical analogy What is the big picture relative to electrons Module 7 9 The light reactions take place within the thylakoid membranes 1 Electrons flow from ultimately to which is reduced to 2 Just like in aerobic respiration the electrons lose small amounts of energy as they bounce from one electron carrier to the next That released energy is used to do what cellular work 3 Similar to mitochondria during aerobic respiration a H gradient is generated across membranes meaning there are more H on one side than the other In the chloroplast in what compartment do more H build up in 4 These H then flow through what protein as they follow their concentration gradient from high to low What product of the light reaction has just been made as a result of the H gradient 5 Electrons in photosystem II would eventually be used up if not replaced Water plays a role in replacing electrons How 6 What part of the water molecule is used in the process and what part diffuses away 7 Look at your overview fig 7 5B again Have you learned all the inputs and outputs of the light dependent reaction yet Be sure to review Let s consider the last output NADPH After electrons bounce through the electron transfer chain following photosystem II they have lost considerable energy They get re excited at photosystem I and get passed to another electron transfer chain What is the terminal electron acceptor in this reaction 8 What is it called once it is reduced Is it useful to the cell Why BIOL 101 Guided Reading Questions GRQs Complete and submit this GRQ as a PDF before lecture and before your online Mastering Assignment Module 7 10 ATP and NADPH power sugar synthesis in the 1 The Calvin cycle takes place where in the chloroplast Calvin Cycle 2 What is the chemical formula for glucose So how many carbons are in the molecule Therefore how many carbon dioxide molecules will be needed from the atmosphere 3 Taking carbon from the carbon dioxide in the air called an inorganic molecule and attaching the carbon to an organic molecule is called In the chloroplast the name of the enzyme that performs this process is called 4 For the purpose of introductory biology we want to take away the major points of the Calvin cycle a How many ATP total are needed to make one glucose b How many NADPH are needed to convert total to make one glucose c How can the chloroplast get more ATP and NADPH Modules 37 19 and 38 4 The carbon cycle depends on photosynthesis and respiration Human activities are responsible for rising concentrations of greenhouse gases 1 Look at your fingernail and think about the protein keratin that makes it Keratin is an organic molecule consisting of many carbon atoms Where did those carbon atoms come from 2 How does photosynthesis remove carbon dioxide from the air 3 What happens to carbon in the wood of a tree when it is burned List things that increase CO2 in the atmosphere List things that remove CO2 from the atmosphere List things that increase CO2 in the atmosphere List things that remove CO2 from the atmosphere BIOL 101 Guided Reading Questions GRQs Complete and submit this GRQ as a PDF before lecture and before your online Mastering Assignment 4 What is the global consequence for the atmosphere if CO 2 output by respiration exceeds its intake by photosynthesis and absorption into the ocean 5 What happens to the oceans as they absorb more and more CO2 6 Fill in the boxes a b c d e f g BIOL 101 Guided Reading Questions GRQs Complete and submit this GRQ as a PDF before lecture and before your online Mastering Assignment h

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