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BIOL 101 Guided Reading Questions GRQs Complete and submit this GRQ as a PDF before lecture and before your online Mastering Assignment L3 GRQs A Tour of the Cell Reading Objectives Describe properties of all cells relative to surface area structural components and function Differentiate bacteria plant and animal cell structures Describe the structure and function of eukaryotic cell components Explain how proteins are secreted from a eukaryotic cell Describe how diabetes occurs and how cell signaling is involved Module 4 2 The small size of cells relates to the need to exchange materials across the plasma membrane 1 Why can t cells get very big They need to have a surface area large enough in order to service the volume of the zell 2 As cell size increases what happens to its surface to volume ratio As size increases surface area to roume ratio decreases Ismaker surface area relate to their volume 3 What is the structure and function of the plasma membrane function separates life from non life Controls what goes in andour of cell Modules 4 3 4 4 Prokaryotic cells are structurally simpler than eukaryotic cells Eukaryotic cells are partitioned into functional compartments 1 There are two kinds of cells in nature Structure thin but strong a b Prokaryotic Eukaryotic Cytosol This is a thick jelly like semi fled in which celuar components are suspended 2 All cells have some features in common list them define any you aren t familiar with Plasma membrane chromosomes Ribosome cytoplasm 3 Draw figure 4 3 a bacterium for yourself Label and be sure to define each part Take note of what a prokaryotic cell contains so that you can easily see what it is missing compared to a eukaryotic cell 4 Differences Drawing at the botham of page membrane enclosed nucleus and organels Ia i Eukaryotic cells Yes Contains 1 or more chromosome i Eukaryotic iyrepsminfener i Prokaryotic Thesecd filed spaces comparments are locations where specific chemicalconditions are required to be maintained these conditions vary among organelles and favor the metabolic processing occurring in each similarities G Bound by a plasma membrane C Structure and sunchon i Eukaryotic perform large and complex sunchons i Prokaryotic perform smaller simple functions b filed withcytosol b Bacteria and Archea domains i Prokaryotic No C containin I the sterm cells of a sew species have slagena 4 Compare and contrast eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells 5 What is the advantage for the cell in having compartments within a eukaryotic cell 6 Compare and contrast a plant cell and an animal cell Examine diagrams of typical organelles of plant and animal cells what differences do you see Modules 4 5 4 6 The nucleus contains the cell s genetic insrtuctions Ribosomes make protesin for use in the cell and for export 1 Name and sketch the structure that matches the functional description of each component a The cell s genetic instructions inside the nucleus b A barrier separating the cell s genetic information from the cell s cytosol Nuclear envelopa c How materials enter and exit the nucleus Simulanties a Nucleus b Golgi apparatus C Mitochondrion d Smooth and rough ER DNA doublehe only Differences achloroplasts central vacuole cell wall and plasmedosmata plants b Lysosomes and centrosomes Only in animal cells C In animal cells there are stadella or Cillia In plant cells only Nuclear envelope Plasma membrane DNA cells X G 4 MRN A Plasma membrane DNA stand ENE Muclulq 2 DNA is transcribed into another set of instructions called that directs protein enkanyone cel synthesis 3 A cell with many ribosomes structural characteristic tells you what about this cell s function That cell makes alow of proteins 4 What is the difference between proteins that are made by free ribsosomes in the cytosol or ribosomes attached to the endoplasmic reticulum or nuclear envelope free nbosomes in the cytosol make proteins that function within the cytosa e g enzymes Ribosomes amacked to Er or nuclear envelope These make proteins that will be exported from the cell Complementary MRNA stand These fuse with good vacuoles and digest the food Modules 4 8 4 10 4 12 The endoplasmic reticulum is a biosynthetic workshop The Golgi apparatus modifies sorts and ships cell products Lysosomes are digestive compartments within a cell A review of the structures involved in manufacturing and breakdown 1 The rough ER and Golgi form a functional unit that help to produce what for the cell Describe this process Drawing will help you work through biological processes rough ER The new protein is folded into its JD shape then nutrients are released into the cyrosal They also serve as recycling centers fells enclose damaged organelles or small amounts of cyrosa in vessicles Lysosomes suse with thosevesicles and dismantle their content making organic molecules available for reuse Tay sachs disease As a polypephole chain is made by abosome byschowing theCristructors of MRNA it moves into carity of short chains of sugars are often linked to the protein making in a glycoprohein sugar pode When itsready for export from theRough fro it s packaged into a transport vessible The transport vessicle priches of the ER membrane Then this glycoprotein is transported to the golgiapparatus for further modinging Then transport protein containing the finished macue manes its way to the plasma membrane and releasedsusride thecell 2 What is the function of lysosomes 3 What is one disease associated with malfunction of the lysosomal enzymes Modules 4 13 4 15 Mitochondria harvest chemical energy from food Chloroplasts convert solar energy to chemical energy Mitochondria and chloroplasts evolved by endosymbiosis 1 What is the function of mitochondria Do prokaryotes animal cells or plant cells have mitochondria 2 What is the function of chloroplasts Do prokaryotes animal cells or plant cells have chloroplasts 3 Draw pictures of a mitochondrion and a chloroplast as the structures of these become very important to our discussion of cellular respiration and photosynthesis What are the names of each compartment space Be sure they are labeled on your pictures 4 All eukaryotes have mitochondria but not all eukaryotes have chloroplasts Can you propose an evolutionary explanation for this observation Module 4 16 The cell s internal skeleton helps organize its structure and activities Endosymbiont theory The first endosymbiosis would have given rise to eukaryotic cels containing Mirochondria A second endosymbione event gaverise to

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UNC-Chapel Hill BIOL 101 - L3 GRQs: A Tour of the Cell

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