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BIOL 101 Guided Reading Questions GRQs Complete and submit this GRQ as a PDF before lecture and before your online Mastering Assignment L5 GRQs Cell Signaling with Hormones Reading Objectives Differentiate between chemical and electrical signaling to cells Describe how the two types of chemical signaling mechanisms affecting target cells differently Explain the consequences of endocrine disruptors Explain how testosterone and estrogen affect gender Identify functions of enzymes and the conditions they development work best Explain how enzymes are inhibited Modules 26 1 2 Chemical and electrical signals coordinate body functions Hormones affect target cells using two main signaling mechanism 1 What two type of signals does the body use to communicate Electrical and Chemical 2 How do they affect different responses in the body 3 What does a target cell have that allows it to respond to a hormone secreted from a distant gland that a non target cell is lacking They have receptors that are speci c to a particular hormone Hormones are released by endocrine glands to control bodily activities while neurons transmit chemical and electrical signals to targeted cells through the nervous system 4 List and describe the three stages of hormone signaling 1 The hormone binds to a receptor protein either inside or on a target cell this causes the commencement of stage 2 2 Signal transduction occurs This is when the signal molecule binds to the receptor protein which causes the signal molecule to change to a di erent form 3 The desired response occurs 5 Are hormone receptors on the plasma membrane or inside cells 6 Draw a quick diagram outlining the differences between Inside Lipidsomble water soluble hormone signaling vs lipid soluble Water scluble waterschuble homona hormone signaling T homeI membrane cid 0 7 Why can steroid hormones pass through the plasma and nuclear membranes steroid hormones can pass through both due to their lipid soluble nature They re able to dissolve in the lips bilateral of the membranes which allows them to tenter cells Modules 26 8 9 Diabetes is a common endocrine disorder The adrenal glands mobilize responses to stress 1 What organ secretes insulin and glucagon Pancrease 2 What are the target cells of insulin What affect does insulin have on cells 3 What are the target cells of glucagon What affect does glucagon have on target cells Insulin targets all cells in the body it is secreted by beta cells in the pancreas and causes glucose levels to be lowered It targets all body cells It is secreted by alpha cells in the pancreatic islets It causes glucose levels to increase It s a hormonal disorder and causes the body to not be able to produce or use insulin This results in high blood glucose levels hyperglycemia 4 Diabetes as a group of diseases affects 1 in Americans What is diabetes 5 Compare and contrast the differences in hormone signaling defects in type 1 vs type 2 diabetes Type 1 This occurs when there s no insulin naturally present while in Type 2 diabetes this is due to there being defective insulin signaling within a cell despite the presence of insulin 6 What condition occurs if too much insulin is produced or injected Hypoglycemia ADDITONAL KNOWLEDGE FUN Check out this short 2 min video to about diagnosing diabetes Take notes if it helps you https www youtube com watch v bIhy Rb2xp4 Module 5 13 and 5 14 Enzymes speed up the cell s ractions by lowering energy barriers A specific enzyme catlayzes each cellular reaction 1 What does the activation energy of a chemical reaction specifically do to reactants It a ects the rate of reaction The lower the aftivation energy the faster the reaction 2 What do enzymes do to the activation energy They reduce the activation energy causing the rate of reaction to increase comacion 3 Draw a graph with two lines One line will represent a reaction without an enzyme and the other line will represent an enzyme catalyzed reaction Your Y axis should be labeled as increasing energy and your X axis should be labeled progress of reaction Be sure to label the activation energy for both reactions 4 True or False Defend you answer for each i e explain why a particular statement is true or correct a false statement Enzymes are consumed in reactions Substrate is another word for reactant An enzyme and a substrate will bind to each other Enzymes are specific to substrate Active site refers to a part of the enzyme Enzymes are always proteins 5 What conditions do most enzymes work best at Explain how the optimal conditions are related to the shape of molecules such as proteins They need speci c temps and pHs to work properly If you change these conditions there can be an e ect on the rate of reaction Also if temp is too high then enzyme starts to denature 6 The cereal you ate this week even if it was Fruit Loops contained metals found on the periodic chart such as zinc and iron What are these metals doing in your cereal And This occurs at active site and only is enzyme and substrate are speci c to each other This is where the enzyme binds to they remain unchanged and can be used again and again substrate us a substance that converts to a production reaction T T T F T T wait is there a connection between chemistry and biology J A lot of the time enzymes need cofactors which help with catalysis by binding to the active sites of enzymes Module 5 15 Enzyme inhibition can regulate enzyme activity in a cell 1 Examine Figure 5 15 Explain in your words what this illustration describes being sure to define all the vocabulary words from the illustration The enzyme and the substrate bind to each other are connected by the active site Module 5 16 Many drugs pesticides and poisons are enzyme inhibitors 1 The book discusses how the same enzyme that transmits nerve impulses can be inhibited in insects and lead to death but when inhibited in a slightly different way in humans can be used as anesthesia for surgical procedures What is the difference in this inhibition If the inhibitor is forms a covalent bond with the enzyme it will be irreversible However it a weake chemical interaction forms between the inhibitor and the enzyme then this type of bond is reversible

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UNC-Chapel Hill BIOL 101 - L5 GRQs: Cell Signaling with Hormones

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