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Nick Samuels Psychology 101 section 001C February 27 2022 Discussion Assignment 3 Naive realism is conviction or suspicion that one s sense insights give direct information on outer reality unconditioned by one s perceptual contraption or individual viewpoint The thing with Naive realism is the fact that even though we try or are at least supposed to think and see the real world for what it is it can be seen as a challenge for some and in some cases it could be impossible Naive realism has a good basis and backing behind it but several problems surface with this topic There are many things and contributing factors that can impact or change a person or multiple people s complete accurate contact with reality Things like the perception of color restrict the way one can accurately understand what is going on around them in the world Color blindness is a disorder that affects more people than you would think It is estimated that there are an expected 300 million individuals on the planet with shading vision inadequacy color blindness One of every 12 men is visually challenged equating to about eight percent and for the ladies it is about one of every 200 are visually challenged roughly half a percent Having this specific condition prevents anyone with the aligning condition to miss out on things a regular person in today s society would take for granted If you are colorblind the accuracy of how you perceive life is already decreased We generally assume that everyone can see and perceive color the same when in reality it s an ability that a good amount of people are born without and that without a doubt has an effect on the way one perceives the world This creates a philosophical issue the issue of whether or not objects have genuine colors Two different elements increase our trouble the way that visually challenged individuals seem to see various tones from typical individuals and the way that certain changes in the physiological states of our bodies jaundice for occurrence influence our seeing the shades of items A few visually challenged individuals see or appear to see a green item where ordinary individuals see a red one they match green and red as one tone which colors others think are very distinct Individuals experiencing jaundice see the vast majority of the shades of items as marginally yellowish Notwithstanding this multitude of challenges there is the intense issue that individuals who consume medications like mescal or santonin really see the shades of articles evolving Another problem that comes up when looking at Naive Realism and what it stands for is the perception of color in specific instances The shades of items fall victim up to change when the circumstances under which they are seen are modified at the point when articles are seen in brilliant daylight they show various shadings to those they show at dusk or in nightfall or faint enlightenment In the faint light the shades of items become hazier and a considerable lot of them look dark The shades of articles additionally seem to change in fake light when the wellspring of counterfeit light is shaded if the wellspring of light is red numerous shades of articles seem to turn out to be to some degree rosy The shades of items change along these lines when seen through shaded glasses if the displays are green i e green when themselves seen in brilliant daylight also by the unaided eye then at that point the shades of the articles look fairly greenish At long last there is the trouble that items don t appear to have any tone of obscurity In conclusion there are several examples to pair with naive realism proving that there will always be problems following it Specifically when looking at how we as humans perceive or even don t perceive color we can identify that we are not able to look at the world the same way because the human population has conditions affecting this very thing People with a color disability genuinely can t see the world the same as someone who can see full color and it is fully out of their control The same goes for the general perception of color As long as there are shadows dim lights or other contributing factors to change possibly change the perception of an object s color Naive realism can not be recognized without problems

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