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Vertebrates chordate animals with a backbone mammals birds lizards amphibians etc Chordates animals that at some point during their development had a notochord Notochord a longitudinal flexible rod located between the digestive tube and the nerve cord Urochordates chordate without a backbone Tunicates members of the phylum Urochordata that are sessile marine chordates without a backbone Lancelets members of the subphylum Cephalochordata that are small blade shaped marine chordates that lack backbones Cephalochordates a chordate without a backbone represented by lancelets tiny marine animals Somites blocks of mesoderm Paedogenesis development of sexual maturity in a larva Neural crest band of cells along the border where the neural tube pinches off from the ectoderm Tetrapods animals possessing two pairs of limbs that support it on land Amniotic egg a shelled water retaining egg that enables reptiles birds and egg laying mammals to complete their life cycles on land Amniotes a vertebrate possessing amnion surrounding the embryo reptiles birds mammals Agnatha member of the jawless class of vertebrates lampreys and hagfishes Ostracoderms an extinct agathan a fishlike creature encased in armor of bony plates Passeriform the order of perching birds Gnathostomata the vertebrate subgroup that possess jaws Placoderms a member of an extinct class of fishlike vertebrates that had jaws and were enclosed in a tough outer armor Chondrichthyes the vertebrate class of cartilaginous fishes sharks and their relatives Spiral valve corkscrew shaped ridge that increases surface area and prolongs the passage of food along the short digestive tract Lateral line system a mechanoreceptor consisting of a series of pores and receptor units Oviparous referring to a type of development in which young hatch from eggs laid outside the mother s body Ovoviviparous referring to a type of development in which young hatch from eggs that are retained in the mother s uterus Viviparous referring to a type of development in which the young are born alive after having been nourished in the uterus by blood from the placenta Cloaca a common opening for the digestive urinary and reproductive tracts in all vertebrates except most mammals Osteichthyes the vertebrate class of bony fishes characterized by a skeleton reinforced by calcium phosphate Operculum protective flap that covers the gills of fishes Swim bladder an adaptation derived from a lung that enables bony fishes to adjust their density and thereby control their buoyancy Ray finned fishes a bony fish having fins supported by thin flexible skeletal rays Lobe finned fishes fish of an extinct group having fleshy lobed fins Lungfishes an elongated freshwater fish with one or two sacs which function as lungs Sarcopterygii clade of the bony fish Amphibia the vertebrate class of amphibians Urodeles salamanders including tetrapod amphibians with tails Anurans the group of frogs and toads Apodans the group of caecilians Extraembryonic membranes four membranes that support the developing embryo in reptiles birds and mammals Reptilia the vertebrate class of reptiles lizards snakes turtles and crocodilians Ectotherms an animal such as a reptile fish or amphibian that must use environmental energy and behavioral adaptations to regulate its body temperature Synapsids one of three groups of amniotes based on key differences between their skulls Sauropods large quadrupedal herbivorous dinosaur with a long neck and tail small head and massive limbs Anapsids one of three groups of amniotes based on key differences in their skulls Diapsids one of three groups of amniotes based on key differences in their skulls Therapsids the ancestral group of mammals that is part of the synapsid branch of reptilian phylogeny Endothermic organisms with bodies that are warmed by heat generated by metabolism Chelonia an order of reptiles which is made up of turtles terrapins and tortoises distinguished by having a shell of bony plates covered with horny scales Squamata the group that includes lizards and snakes Crocodilia the reptile group that includes crocodiles and alligators Aves the vertebrate class of birds characterize by feathers and other flight adaptations Ratites the group of flightless birds Carinites the group of birds with a carina or sternal keel supporting their large breast muscles Mammalia class that includes endothermic vertebrates that possess mammary glands and hair Placenta a structure in the pregnant uterus for nourishing a viviparous fetus with the mother s blood supply formed from the uterine lining and embryonic membranes Monotremes egg laying mammal platypus and echidna Eutherian mammal placental mammals those whose young complete their embryonic development within the uterus joined to the mother by the placenta Prosimians a suborder of primates the premonkeys that probably resemble early arboreal primates Anthropoids higher primate Paleoanthropology the study of human origins and evolution Mosaic evolution the evolution of different features of an organism at different rates

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