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Ciera Ventura BIOL 101 Guided Reading Questions GRQs Purpose These Guided Reading Questions GRQs are designed to help you identify the key concepts in each reading assignment and provide you with a structure to take notes and check your understanding Learning biology requires your time and attention Before each class session you will be asked to read from your textbook and answer questions online Modified Mastering Biology to assess how well you understand concepts before coming to lecture These GRQs will help you prepared in a comprehensive and efficient manner How to answer the GRQs Research shows that highlighting text and re outlining the textbook in your notes is not an effective way to learn You may choose to answer GRQs as you read or you may choose to answer these questions after you read an assigned section Do not wait until right before an exam to answer GRQs Do use the completed GRQs as a study guide for the exam s GRQs why bother We know how the brain works Learning requires repeated interaction with the concepts you are trying to master These GRQs are designed to give you a structure to not only help you read the textbook but to also study a little bit every day Research shows this strategy increases the long term retention of the material and likelihood of success There is a strong relationship between how much you invest time and attention in this class and your academic performance Do I have to read parts of the chapter where there is no associated question Focus on the parts where there are questions You will not be responsible for material that is not part of the answer to a question Skimming and reading more will enhance your understanding but is optional SOME USEFUL WORD ROOTS FOR BIOLOGY As we go through the semester can you put some words we use next to these word roots If you think of any I am missing let me know di or dy two bi two ose sugar ase enzyme poly many mono one eu true kary kernel nucleus pro before phobic fearing philic loving endo within ex out lysis break apart pseudo false hypo low hyper high excessive allo other glyco sugar an without aero air oxygen oxy oxygen hemi half homo same hetero different pheno show or see photo light auto self troph feed hydro water morph form or structure co together intra within inter between de remove 1 Ciera Ventura Guided Reading Q s GRQs Do these before the Mastering Assignment Exploring Life and the Process of Science Read parts of Chapter 1 that answer the questions below you are not responsible for material that is not part of the answer to a question below Reading objectives you can use these statements later to study in a more open ended way Define the properties of life Describe the components of hypothesis driven science including controlled and observational studies Explain and give examples of the major themes in biology such as evolution flow of information structure and function transformation of matter and energy interactions within and between systems Module 1 1 1 How would you know if something was alive Why is a rock not alive What are the characteristics that define all life We recognize life mainly by what living things do Some properties of life include order life is characterized by highly ordered structures reproduction organisms reproduce their own kind growth and development inherited information encoded in DNA controls the pattern of growth and development of all organisms response to the environment all organisms respond to environmental stimuli energy processing organisms take in energy and use it to power all their activities regulation organisms have regulatory mechanisms that maintain a beneficial internal environment and evolutionary adaptation adaptations evolve over countless generations as individuals with heritable traits that are best suited to their environments have greater reproductive success What is the smallest unit of life The cell the structural and functional units of life Of note most biologists do not think viruses are alive because they cannot grow process energy and regulate But within a host like you they can replicate and evolve so they are a grey area If you are interested in this do some google searches on are viruses alive and see some of the debate Module 1 3 2 Arrange these words in a correct order community cell organism organ system biosphere molecule tissue organelle population organ ecosystem Biosphere Ecosystem Community Population Organism Organs and organ systems Tissue Cell Organelle Molecule 2 Ciera Ventura Consider the individual properties and uses for a bucket a piece of rope or a wheel What happens when you put them together in a system does a larger function emerge Yes Similarly individual tissues can have specific functions but when put together with other tissue types in certain configurations in organs new functions arise This concept is known in biology as emergent properties Module 1 4 3 Review the terms below and define any you need to brush up on Quantitative Data generally numerical measurements Qualitative Data recorded descriptions Hypothesis proposed explanation for a set of observations and it leads to predictions that can be tested by making additional observations or by performing experiments Experiment a scientific test often carried out under controlled conditions 4 How do we prove a hypothesis is true An important point about scientific inquiry is that we can never prove that a hypothesis is true Testing a hypothesis in various ways provides additional support and increases our confidence in the hypothesis How is a theory different from a hypothesis A scientific theory is much broader in scope and is supported by a large and usually growing body of evidence 5 How is science different from other ways of describing and explaining nature such as philosophy and religion the scientific view of the world is based on fill in rest of this statement from section 1 4 The scientific view of the world is based on hypothesis testing and verifiable evidence 6 What is the main requirement for a scientific hypothesis Note this is the end of module question from 1 4 these are also very useful review quiz like questions during reading and studying It must generate predictions that can be tested by experiments or gathering further observations 3 Ciera Ventura Module 1 5 Controlled experiments 7 What hypothesis is being tested in the experiment described Such color patterns have evolved as adaptations that protect animals from predation Define

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UNC-Chapel Hill BIOL 101 - Lesson 1 GRQs Exploring Life and Process of Science

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