INR3003 FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDE Wednesday 12 30 Nuclear Weapons Deterrence Proliferation Why don t we use our nuclear weapons Destructives Explanation 1 We have not used nuclear weapons since WWII because they are destructive but all weapons are destructive and isn t that the point of weapons Conventional Weaponry Firebombing Drop incendiary weapons on enemies so hot they burned up everything around them and sucked up all the oxygen allies used against Germany and Japan in WWII Daisy Clutter Device fitted to a bomb that allows the bomb to explode before impact this increases the bombs effect because the ground does not absorb any of the impact Battlefield Utility Explanation 2 nuclear weapons are too big to have battlefield utility Tactical Nuclear Weapon can fit conventional weapons with nuclear warheads these are still nuclear but they have much less of an impact than the big bomb We have them and they have battlefield utility but we don t use them Explanation 3 They are morally wrong International Nuclear taboo Nina Tannenwald everything about these weapons is considered taboo o Is it worth it to defy this international moral code in order to win a war o The argument in Japan was that the atom bomb would reduce the loss of life because Japan refused to surrender 80 in favor of bomb after WWII o Most people thought Nuclear weapons were the weapons of the future Human Tragedy of Hiroshima Nagasaki Perception of these weapons changed when they realized that these bombs had something inherently different about them Human Factor Hiroshima showed that there was a human factor in war because of how Radiation Capacity These bombs had the radiation capacity to continue to kill that other many died weapons had never had Once we understood the full scope of these weapons we deemed them as morally wrong There was also the question of atmospheric contamination from the radiation This understanding brings the world into the nuclear age Balance of power leads to balance of terror Effects on Policy We see policy on state and national level to eradicate or control the weapons Reaction against most weapons that are considered to be unconventional We cant ban nuclear weapons because the US and Russia wont get rid of them Could we ban them NO the US won t get rid of them and Russia won t get rid of them NPT 1968 The attempt to control nuclear weapons the 5 states recognized by NPT US GB France Russia China are all committed to non use and we are not to help anyone else become an offensive nuclear power Everyone else in NPT is committed to not developing these weapons enforced through monitoring NPT seeks to ban unconventional weapons o Biological 1972 Chemical Weapons 1993 Two Ideas for nuclear weapon control 1 Disarmament Complete disarmament was not realistic in cold war environment 2 Deterrence Focused on deterrence Frantic arms race between US and Russia for the sake of deterrence Arms Control History Second strike capability To have deterrence you have to be able to respond to the attack Nuclear triad weapons need to be dispersed maintained nuclear capabilities on 3 realms land air sea Had we been attacked by Russia we would have been able to survive and respond We worried that the arms race would create such a security dilemma that they would attack Balance of capabilities Important to maintain mutual vulnerability by limiting defensive capabilities MAD Mutual Assured Destruction Why If both sides are vulnerable to destruction who is going to launch that war No one wins because both would be destroyed If one started the war both sides would be destroyed We have offensive capabilities to destroy each other but we limited our abilities to defend in order to assure destruction MAP Mutual Assured Protection Increased abilities to defend an attack SALT 1968 Strategic Arms Limitation Talk Cap on numbers limiting development 1972 anti ballistic missile treaty most notable thing limited construction of ICBM s intercontinental ballistic missile interceptors o Limiting our defensive capabilities and thus utterly unlikely to launch an attack o In 1980s Reagan goes back on the idea of limiting defense he developed SDI strategic defense initiative or star wars program which focused on a space defense system o Bush got ride of anti ballistic missile treaty because of North Korea Second SALT 1979 Addressed IBMS and reducing the number of nuclear weapons we have Not ratified by congress Comprehensive test ban treaty 1996 no testing or nuclear weapons If everyone abides by it this signifies the end of nuclear weapon testing North Korea tested in 2006 START strategic arms reduction talks Opposite of SALT Reduce offensive capabilities and increase defensive capabilities International attempt to control these weapons Nuclear Proliferation the spread of offensive nuclear capabilities by states who are not recognized by the NPT as nuclear weapon states US does NOT want this to happen Realists Dominant voice in the cold war nuclear weapons can bring peace in the hands of a strong stable state Mearsheimer and waltz said nuclear deterrence maintained peace and stability Do not want new weak states to be nuclear because deterrence only exists under certain conditions modern communication advanced technology stockpiles that are spread out amongst multiple locations second strike capable of precautions against corruption sabotage and accidents As states we have norms and values that we share and that determine our behavior and dictate what we are willing to accept nuclear weapons have a norm of non use 11 5 15 The Clash of Civilizations Samuel Huntington not a realist sees the world we are moving into as fundamentally different and threatening from the past He theorized that as we developed these civilizational differences we will have a huge class of civilization which will be devastating in line with various ideas of the cold war and the end of bipolarity What are the civilizations A civilization is the highest cultural grouping of people at the broadest level of cultural identity that people have short of that which distinguishes humans from other species It is defined both by common objective elements such as language history religion customs institutions and by the subjective self identification of people Huntington sees us moving in a potentially negative direction because our identity and focus is changing and becoming civilizational Huntington s 9 civilizations 7 definite 2 possible Islamic upper Africa 1
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