OCE1001 Exam 2 1 The surface tension of water is relatively high 2 Why do ionic compounds dissolve readily in water the electrostatic attraction between ions is weakened by the polarity of water 3 Water molecules exhibit strong cohesion True 4 Of the following properties of water which are caused by the unusual geometry of water molecules All of the above 5 Of the following statements about the density of freshwater and the formation of ice which are true All besides As the temp of water decreases from 20 to 4 its density also decreases 6 Water can pile up a short distance above a container s rim due to high surface tension 7 The principal reason that oil and water do not mix even when shaken is that oil molecules are non polar whereas water molecules are polar 8 Water is one of the few substances that exists naturally on Earth in all three states of matter True 9 The heat capacity of liquid water is 1 calorie per gram per degree C True 10 The latent heat of vaporization of water is larger than the latent heat of melting True 11 Greater temperature uctuations are seen in coastal areas due to the marine effect False 12 The amount of energy that is necessary to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree C is the de nition of Calorie 13 The states of matter in which water exists is primarily determined by Temperature 14 Which property of water causes coastal communities to have only moderate differences in daily highs and lows when compared to inland communities High Heat Capacity 15 A beaker contains a mixture of ice and pure liquid water at 0 Celsius What happens to the temperature of liquid water as heat is added It remains constant until the ice melts and then it begins to rise 16 In comparison to most other liquids the heat capacity of liquid water is higher than other liquids 17 Salinity refers to all of the solid materials in seawater including dissolved and suspended substances False 18 Except for the water itself the chloride ion is the most abundant constituent in seawater True 19 Independent of the actual salinity the ratios or proportions of the major dissolved constituents of sea water such as chloride sodium and magnesium are relatively constant True 20 Chlorinity which is the weight of the chloride ion of a water sample can be used to calculate salinity True 21 The density of seawater is slightly lower than the density pure water False 22 The Principle of Constant Proportions states that the relative concentrations of the major ions in seawater does not change 23 Examine the ve words A sodium ion B calcium ion C potassium ion D hydrogen ion E magnesium ion 24 By measuring only chlorinity concentration of the chloride ion Cl in seawater we can then calculate the total salinity This is an application of the principle of constant proportions 25 Which process in the hydrologic cycle is the most effective at increasing ocean salinity on a global scale evaporation 26 All of the following process decrease seawater salinity except evaporation 27 As a whole the pH of the ocean is slightly alkaline True 28 All of the following statements regard pH are true except As a whole the pH of the ocean is slightly acidic 29 Match the term layer of the ocean that experiences a rapid change in salinity with depth halocline 30 At hight latitiudes abundant precipitation and runoff from melting of freshwater icebergs both increase salinity False 31 We would expect the salinity of surface waters to be higher in regions where evaporation is much greater than precipitation 32 We might expect to encounter brackish ocean surface water off the coast of Washington and Oregon 33 Of the following statements about seawater properties in high and low latitudes which are true There is a thermocline in low latitudes There is a halocline in low latitudes There is a halocline in high latitudes There is a pycnocline in low latitudes 34 The density of seawater is affected by salinity and temperature true 35 Processes that decrease saltwater salinity include evaporation and sea ice formation False 36 A rapid change in ocean temperature with a change in depth occurs in the thermocline 37 A layer in the ocean where a rapid change in ocean density occurs with a change in depth is called a pycnocline 38 Examine the ve words temperature A B salinity thermocline C D pycnocline E distillation 38 Of the following statements about the density of seawater which are true an increase in salinity increases seawater density a decrease in temperature increases saltwater density 39 In distillation saltwater is highly pressurized to drive water molecules through a membrane to remove salts False 40 PYCNOCLINE 41 If you were an explorer stranded in the Arctic Ocean what methods could you use for creating fresh drinking water all besides melt recently frozen seawater 42 Match the term with the appropriate phrase bonds that involve the sharing of electrons between atoms covalent bonds 43 Match the term with the appropriate phrase basic building blocks of all matter atoms 44 Match the term with the appropriate phrase change in state from liquid to gas evaporation 45 Match the term with the appropriate phrase layer of the ocean that experiences a rapid change in density with depth pycnocline 46 Match the term with the appropriate phrase high temperature increases seawater salinity 47 Match the term with the appropriate phrase precipitation decreases seawater salinity 48 Match the term with the appropriate phrase river input decreases seawater salinity 49 Match the term with the appropriate phrase sea ice formation increases seawater salinity 50 Of the following statements about water s latent heat and changes in state which are true all besides in all three states of matter there are no strong covalent bonds 51 Which of the following techniques can be used to measure the salinity of seawater evaporate the water sample and weigh the amount of solids that precipitate out pass electrical current through the water 52 Of the following processes which INCREASES the salinity of seawater evaporation the formation of sea ice 53 Of the following statements about the pH of sea water which are true the pH of seawater averages about 8 1 and ranges from about 8 0 to 8 3 In a natural state the carbonate buffering system protects the ocean from getting too acidic or too alkaline Additional carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is getting into the ocean overwhelming the natural carbonate buffering system 54 A The image below depicts
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