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OCEANOGRAPHY EXAM 4 1 What are the 3 domains of life Ch 12 Section The Three Domains of Life a Archae Bacteria Eukarya 2 What marine organism represents the vast majority of the ocean s biomass Ch 12 Section How Are Marine Organisms Classified a Plankton b c d e Sea cucumbers Shrimp Fish Crustaceans 3 Plankton are organisms that float Why is a copepod which can swim and propel itself through the water classified as plankton Ch 12 Section Plankton a b c d It lives at the surface of the ocean where plankton live It was classified as a plankton before it was known that copepods are swimmers It has a swim bladder that keeps it from sinking so it is a floater It spends part of its life floating and part swimming so it is classified as plankton because of the floating part e Because of its small size it cannot swim very fast or very far so its location is determined by currents 4 Organisms that can photosynthesize and produce their own food are called what Ch 12 Section Plankton a Phytoplankton what Ch 12 Section Plankton a Meroplankton 5 Organisms that only spend part of their life cycle as plankton are referred to as 6 What are nektobenthos Ch 12 Section Benthos a Organisms that live on the bottom of the seafloor but swim or crawl through the water above the seafloor 7 What is the primary factor that limits life on the deep ocean floor Ch 12 Section Benthos a Food Supply 8 Of Earth s total number of species why are the fewest in the marine pelagic realm Ch 12 Section How Many Marine Species Exist a There is more area on land for different species b Uniform conditions in the pelagic realm make fewer specialized environments for organism adaptation as different species c Organisms need a hard substrate either land or sea bottom in order to d Evolution of differing species is triggered by extinction but extinction is evolve into different species rare in the pelagic environment e The pelagic realm contains the photic zone and solar radiation in the photic zone suppresses the number of new species that evolve 9 Why is the surface area to volume ratio important for phytoplankton Ch 12 Section Water s Viscosity afloat a A larger ratio provides higher resistance to sinking and less energy used to stay 10 Why do most fish and marine mammals have the same torpedo like streamlined shape Ch 12 Section Water s Viscosity a A streamlined shape presents a greater surface area to volume ratio which b allows easier regulation of internal heat If you are going to move through a substance like water it is necessary to have a head and eyes at one end and a tail at the other c Streamlining looks better to the opposite sex so it leads to greater reproduction the water d The streamlined shape minimizes energy expended to move through e They can swim faster with streamlined shapes 11 Most fresh water fish are hypertonic meaning their body cells contain more salt than the surrounding water Since osmosis should push water into their cells why don t they explode Ch 12 Section Salinity a They urinate a lot so the water does not build up b They don t drink any water since they get so much from osmosis c Their cells have adapted to absorb salt d They have adapted to live with high osmotic pressure e All of the above 12 What is the primary difference between pelagic environment zones below the photic zone Ch 12 Section What Are Living Things and How Are They Classified a Increasing pressure with increasing depth b Decreasing oxygen with increasing depth c Decreasing light with increasing depth Increase in salinity with decreasing temperature d e Decreasing food abundance with increasing depth 13 What are the reasons the ocean has a smaller daily seasonal and annual temperature range than that experienced on land Ch 12 Section Temperature a Water has higher heat capacity b Ocean warming is reduced by evaporation c Solar radiation penetrates deeply into the ocean layers d Ocean mixing allows heat from one are to be transported to other areas e All of the above 14 What is the definition of eurythermal Ch 12 Section Temperature a Organisms can tolerate large changes in temperature typically live in coastal waters 15 Freshwater fish are isotonic hypertonic or hypotonic relative to their environment Ch 12 Section Salinity a Hypertonic 16 How does water pressure change with depth Ch 12 Section Pressure a Increases about 1 atmosphere 1 kg cm2 with every 10 meters 33 feet deeper 17 What is the euphotic zone Ch 12 Section What are the main divisions of the marine environment a The zone where enough light exists to support photosynthesis 18 What are the 4 biozones of the oceanic province Ch 12 Section What are the main divisions of the marine environment a Epipelagic Mesopelagic Bathypelagic Abyssopelagic 19 What is the neritic province Ch 12 Section What are the main divisions of the marine environment a The zone with water depth 200 meters deep 20 What is the deepest zone of the suboceanic province Ch 12 Section Benthic Environment a BAH Bathyal Abyssal Hadal ORDER OF DEPTH 21 Biological oceanographers discuss about biomass frequently Just what is biomass Ch 13 Section What is Primary Productivity a The amount of organisms produced in a given time b The total weight of protoplasm contained in a given organism c The total mass of all organisms of a given class d The total number of organisms within a given class e The total number of organisms within a given class divided by the total weight of those organisms 22 What is the difference between gross primary productivity and net primary productivity Ch 13 Section What Kind of Photosynthetic Marine Organisms Exist a Net productivity is the amount of organic material from photosynthesizers that can be caught in a net b Gross productivity is the amount of organic carbon created by photosynthesis per unit of time and net productivity is the gross minus the amount of organic carbon consumed by the photosynthesizers c Gross productivity is the total amount of organic carbon produced during a day but net productivity is the amount left over after predation by grazing organisms d Gross productivity is the amount of organic matter created in a unit time and net productivity is the amount that is recycled e Gross productivity is the amount of energy that is created by photosynthesizers and net productivity is the energy passed on to grazing organisms 23 What are the two primary factors that control biologic productivity in the surface oceans Ch 13 Section Factors Affecting Primary

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