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Of the following nutrients which is are used in photosynthetic primary productivity by phyto plankton OCE Exam 4 Calcium Nitrates Phosphates Silica Boron Iron The products of photosynthesis are carbon dioxide CO2 and water H2O True False Compensation depth is the depth in the ocean where the photosynthetic rate exceeds the rate of cellular respiration True False An overabundance of oxygen results in eutrophication True False In general the rate at which energy is stored by organisms through the formation of organic matter is called upwelling chlorophyll biomass compensation depth primary productivity The depth at which the cellular respiration rate equals the photosynthetic rate is referred to as the compensation depth for photosynthesis epipelagic depth productive zone calcium compensation depth euphotic zone A fact regarding photosynthesis is that all carbon based organisms photosynthesize photosynthesis is another term for respiration water and carbon dioxide are converted to oxygen gas and sugar nitrogen and sulfuric acid are converted to water and sulfur dioxide photosynthesis can occur in the absence of light Mass mortality events of marine mammals and birds may occur after ingesting prey items that contain algal toxins What organism that can cause harmful algal blooms should humans be concerned about if animals in the area are having seizures and exhibiting erratic drunken like behavior gonyaulax because it causes paralytic shellfish poisoning PSP diatoms that cause dead zones dinoflagellates that cause ciguatera poisoning karenia because it cause red tides pseudo nitzschia because it causes amnesic shellfish poisoning The group of marine macroscopic algae with the highest abundance and greatest geographic distribution belong to the Division Rhodophyta True False Marine algae that grow close to the limits of light penetration have accessory photosynthetic pigments that absorb high energy short wavelength light in the blue region of the electromagnetic spectrum True False The most abundant marine macroscopic algae are members of the Division Important marine autotrophs that have silica incorporated into their cell walls are Phaeophyta Rhodophyta Chrysophyta Chlorophyta Bacillariophyta coccolithophorids dinoflagellates cyanobacteria radiolarians diatoms Marine seed bearing plants include all the following except Spartina alterniflora mangroves eelgrass surf grass Ulva In dead zones resulting from eutrophication animal life is absent due to the lack of Of the following types of organisms which are examples of microscopic algae The amounts of carbon dioxide and available nutrients affect the rate of primary production in an ecosystem True False Primary productivity is equal to the amount of photosynthesis plus the amount of respiration True False The average rate of primary production in the open ocean is 125gC m2 yr In the most productive ecosystems such as algal beds and coral reefs the average pro duction is 2000gC m2 yr How many years would it take to accumulate 2000gC m2 on the deep sea floor in the open ocean nitrates carbon dioxide phosphates oxygen light Diatoms photosynthetic bacteria Dinoflagellates Coccolithophores Krill 1 6 years less than 1 year 160 years 1600 years 16 years The percentage of euphotic zone biomass that reaches the deep ocean floor is approximately The relative productivity in the world s oceans from most productive to least pro ductive is 1 10 30 50 90 tropical waters temperate waters polar waters temperate waters tropical waters polar waters polar waters temperate waters tropical waters temperate waters polar waters tropical waters polar waters tropical waters temperate waters Productivity in polar oceans is light limited nutrient and oxygen limited light and nutrient limited nutrient limited oxygen limited Although primary productivity in tropical areas is generally low which of the fol lowing tropical locations have unusually high primary productivity rates All the above tropical areas have relatively high primary productivity coastal upwelling zones equatorial upwelling zones coral reefs If primary photosynthetic productivity in a given area of the ocean is 300 gC m2 yr about how much organic matter is added to the seafloor sediments per square meter each year 100 grams one gram ten grams three grams 30 grams Of the following locations which is are exceptions to the general rule that produc tivity is steady and low in tropical regions in the deep ocean far from land anywhere there is a strong thermocline equatorial upwelling coastal upwelling coral reefs Of the following statements about oceanic productivity which is are true In middle latitude oceans the spring bloom is limited by the lack of nutri ents In tropical oceans productivity is limited year round by the lack of nutri ents In tropical oceans productivity is limited year round by the lack of sunlight In middle latitude oceans the spring bloom is limited by the lack of sunlight In middle latitude oceans the fall bloom is limited by the lack of sunlight In middle latitude oceans the fall bloom is limited by the lack of nutrients Of the following locations where would you expect to find the HIGHEST annual oceanic productivity Select only one answer in low latitude waters along a continental margin in low latitude waters in the open ocean in middle latitude waters along a continental margin in middle latitude waters in the open ocean in high latitude waters along a continental margin in high latitude waters in the open ocean Of the following statements about oceanic productivity in polar regions which is are true In polar oceans productivity is limited by the lack of sunlight in the winter In polar oceans nutrient concentrations are usually adequate and do NOT limit productivity In polar oceans there is incredibly high productivity in the summertime Polar oceans typically display a strong permanent thermocline In polar oceans productivity is high year round Bacteria that manufacture carbohydrates in the absence of solar energy are au totrophs True False Primary producers herbivores and carnivores are all examples of trophic levels within a food chain or food web True False The efficiency of trophic transfers in ecosystems is on average around In the ongoing processes of photosynthesis respiration and decomposition in the ocean all components are recycled except Nutrient flow in an ecosystem is semi conservative top down unidirectional bi directional cyclical 5 30 10 50 75 oxygen carbon

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FSU OCE 1001 - Exam 4

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