OCE 1001 1 A tentative testable statement about the general nature of a phenomenon is a hypothesis 2 What type of circulation occurs in a marginal sea where there is more evarporation than precipitation causing inflow of ocean water at the surface and outflow of water at the bootom Anti estuarine circulation 3 What was the earliest for of navigation Dead reckoning 4 The only place where a ship can circumnavigate the globe is in the Southern Ocean 5 An element s rate of radioactive decay depends on its half life 6 Which of these is the most dense Basalt 7 Once the ocean formed the total ocean volume has stayed mostly the same True 8 The very first life on Earth which formed around 3 8 BYBP was both heterorophic and 9 The very first free oxygen O2 that was formed by cyanobacteria was sucked up by iron prokaryotic FE and H2S 10 There was no life on land before 600 MYBP because there was no ozone layer to protext the land from UV radiation 11 Hotspots do not move over time 12 Compared to mid ocean ridges mid ocean rises are less steep and spread faster 13 Hawaii is an example of a hot spot 14 New lithosphere is porudced in association with ocean ridges The deepes places in the Earth s ocean are in the trenches The early atmosphere No oxygen High CO2 High CH4 N2 about the same MAJOR DIFFERENCE solar luminosity 25 less than now Questions to note Your watch says its 5 30 PM in England at the prime meridian What is your longitude 360 24 15 15 x 5 5 82 5 time is earlier than in England so that is West What is a marginal sea
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