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INR 3003 Exam 2 Study Guide POST COLD WAR PREDICTIONS Democracy is at the core of the organic Western nation state system Huntington Clash of civilizations George Wilhem Friderich Hegel o Main characteristics of mankind Desire for survival Ability to reason Desire for recognition leads to competition Example objective of state hegemon is recognition NOT power Democracy as the great equalizer all states recognized Fukuyama expecting trend of democracy inspired by Hegel o Does not deal with liberalism OR realism o Constructivism identity perspective NOT A THEORY IDEAS ARE AT THE CORE OF EVERYTHING History of evolution of dominant ideas which have shaped our political ideologies over time o End of History the end point of man s ideological evolution and the universalization of Western liberal democracy as the final form of human government Views history as an evolution of ideas to reach the ideals of mankind s needs REACHING THE END DOES NOT MEAN WE VE ENDED ALL WARS Ideas determine political organizations economic systems lead to wars o Waves of democracy 1st Europe until WWI 2nd post WWII League of Nations 1st symbol of organized democracy Took hold of most of Europe takes hold in Latin America o Many countries fall away from it especially in LatAm 3rd end of Cold War New surge of democracy in LatAm Africa o Teleological History history as linear not just random events Beginning disorganized nomadic Middle people settle down and build End early systems of political rule develop Liberal democracy important o Liberal Democracy Characteristics Democratic system o People limit powers of gov t o Protects rights of citizens o Individual freedoms core o Right to own property It is the only standing system that respects the rights of citizens Fukuyama Capitalism market economy where everyone can benefit is what gives us liberal democracy Communism and fascism challenge liberal democracy Realists power transition polarity change Liberals moving towards cooperation away from conflict Modernization Theory another explanation for democracy o Theorists see democracy as a direct bi product of modernization Democracy came about in the West as they underwent social economic and political transformations directly related to the industrial revolution Evidence wealthiest countries tend to be democratic o Two new classes emerge men as industrialists Bourgeoisie middle class owned means of production became wealthy o Problem they weren t nobility didn t have those rights o Not trying to tear down old system wanted to be let in Proletariat working class industrial revolution built on their labor o Benefit from this system eventually o Initially exploited long hours unsafe conditions Workers became politicized and began joining unions o Put pressure on old system demanding rights protections o Urbanization people flock to cities for work increased communication put pressure on gov t o Intelligentsia group that uses education to become politicized o Creation of Civil Society run by civilians instead of authoritarian leadership Development of democracy related to development modernization o Critiques If democracy needs modernization wealth why are there poor democracies This is the story of the West not every country will develop this way Fukuyama constructivists this forms through ideas not econ development Democratic Stability Theory o Wealth and democratization do not cause democracy just REINFORCES it Wealth most likely contributes to stability This helps create opportunities education etc Democratic Peace o More democracies less major power wars Value of peace core of democracy The way to ensure peace is through spread of democracy Clinton SOU Address Democracies don t fight each other they make better trading partners and partners in diplomacy o 3 main points Democracies don t fight each other The spread of democracy is the answer to the security dilemma Democracies make better trading partners and partners in diplomacy o Constructivist Identity Views It is their theory so they agree all about norms values o Liberal Views o Realist Views Yes but different approach Nations more connected complex interdependence increased communication see Prisoner s Dilemma In favor of democracy but don t see it as a guarantee of peace How democracy helps prevent war o Public constraints need to reflect constituents wishes to stay in office o Democratic culture core value is peace resists wars of aggression transparency o Audience costs politicians get voted out for poor actions Statistics support that democracies are less likely to fight each other BUT Relatively new data Weak democracies might not be held in place by same constraints Transition to democracy usually very violent o Covert operations Iran US involved CIA in Operation Ajax to remove Mohammad Mussadegh secretly w o direct threat of military engagement Guatemala President Arbenz nationalized land of US Fruit Co Chiquita Banana US trained their military who used propaganda and sent him into exile After both of these operations these weak democracies reverted to an authoritarian and military regime respectively During the Cold War we were willing to sacrifice weak democracies to prevent the spread of Communism GLOBALIZATION Wiarda globalization is the increasing scale extent variety speed and magnitude of international cross border social economic military political and cultural inter relations Broad definition o Sees US as leader globalization has increased in 21st century Steger definition of economic globalization Economic globalization refers to the intensification and stretching of economic inter relations across the globe Thomas Friedman s Stages of Globalization o Trade that has linked us together has been the source of wealth o 1 0 Begins in 1492 Mercantilism colonialism exploration Zero sum scenario states want to increase relative power Wealth directly linked to power Zones of extraction colonialism for resources World shrinks from large to medium o 2 0 1800 WWII Pax Brittanica British Peace British lead globalization Shift from bilateral to multilateral trading World shrinks from medium to small o 3 0 Post WWII Present Pax Americana US leads globalization Age of the internet Major expansion of world economy global GDP capita increased TRADE Comparative Advantage Ricardo o Specializing leads to efficiency produce goods lowest opportunity cost and trade for those goods for which you have high opportunity cost o Leads to increased global output

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