OCE1001 Exam Three Study Guide Fall 2014 Ch 10 12 Chapter 10 Study Questions What are the boundaries of a coast Land edge that borders the sea extends inland as far as ocean related features are found How do primary and secondary coasts differ Primary coasts are formed by processes that occur at the land air boundary and have not been significantly modified by marine processes Secondary coasts are formed by marine processes What is a berm How does it form Difference between winter summer A low terrace in the backshore area of a beach It is formed by wave deposited material Summer berm formed by low energy waves in summer closer to ocean than winter Winter berm relatively permanent berm formed by high energy waves in winter How is the longshore current formed Waves break at an angle to the shore causing the net movement of water to flow in a direction parallel to the shore How are sediments transported by a longshore current The waves break at an angle to the shore causing swash and backwash to move particles in a zigzag path and sediments are carried by the longshore current What are rip currents How do they form Fast seaward current Incoming waves result in an accumulation of water near the shore region that is channeled back out to sea by bottom irregularities What is a coastal circulation cell Longshore transport cell pattern of sediment moving from a source to a place of deposition What characteristics can be used to classify beaches Shape and structure composition of beach material color of beach material What is the effect of the following structures when built along a beach 1 breakwater 2 jetty 3 seawall Know how to identify on a diagram Breakwater protects shore from waves but causes sediment to accumulate at the shore that will eventually extend outward to the breakwater unless it is dredged Jetty disrupts longshore transport causing buildup of sediment on upstream side and erosion on downside of the jetty Seawall reflects waves that can combine and create larger more damaging waves protects property behind it but are expensive and eventually erode What is an estuary Body of water on the coast where freshwater and salt water mix What are 4 types of estuaries How do they differ Salt wedge estuary occur within the mouth of the river flowing directly into salt water the fresh water flows rapidly out to sea and the denser seawater flows upstream along the bottom Well mixed estuary strong tidal mixing and low river flow slow net seaward flow at all depths salinity is uniform at all depths and decreases from ocean to river Partially mixed estuary strong net seaward surface flow of fresh water and strong inflow of seawater at depth often deeper than well mixed estuaries Fjord type estuary deep small surface area estuary moderately high river inflow and little tidal mixing deep water can become stagnant Length of time required for an estuary to exchange its water with the open ocean What is flushing time iClicker Chapter 10 In winter sand from some beaches disappears Where does it go Waves move sand to deeper water building up the longshore bar In some beaches the backwash from a breaking wave is channeled through narrow passages creating a strong current back out to sea What is this called Rip current Which of the following can be used to classify beaches Composition of beach materials and color In a jetty sand is deposited where On the up current side of the jetty A body of water on the coast where fresh water and salt water mix is called what Estuary Chapter 11 Study Question What are the 3 domains of life Bacteria Archaea Eukarya What is taxonomy Systematic classification of organisms based on physical characteristics and DNA What is the difference between an autotroph and a heterotroph Autotrophs make their own energy for growth while heterotrophs consume the organic matter created by autotrophs What is photosynthesis Process used to convert light energy into chemical energy What is chemosynthesis Formation of organic compounds with energy derived from inorganic substances What is respiration Process that oxidizes organic material and removes oxygen converts nutrients into energy How does light change with depth Light decreases exponentially with depth euphotic disphotic and aphotic zones shorter wavelengths of light penetrate deeper in clear water this makes it blue What is bioluminescence Production of light by a living organism Define poikilotherms homeotherms and endotherms Poikilotherms can t regulate body temperature homeotherms and endotherms can but homeotherms are better at it What is osmosis Diffusion of water across a cell membrane flows from areas of low to high salinity What are some adaptations that organisms have to stay afloat Swim bladders gas pockets appendages that increase surface area storage of blubber oil storage in the livers and muscles Seabirds float by storing fat possessing light bones and using air sacs developed for flight How and why does oxygen and carbon dioxide change with depth Oxygen highest concentration in surface waters because there is efficient gas exchange between the ocean and atmosphere Concentrations decrease with depth because heterotrophic organisms remove oxygen through respiration Concentrations reach a minimum zone then begin to increase with depth because of the vertical circulation of oxygenated waters below Carbon Opposite depth distribution because photosynthesis generates oxygen and removes carbon dioxide while respiration removes oxygen and generates carbon dioxide Name and describe the major environmental zones of the ocean Pelagic water environment subdivided into the neritic and oceanic zones Neritic water environment above the continental shelf Oceanic ocean away from the influence of land Benthic seafloor environment iClicker Chapter 11 What are eukarya bacteria and archaea 3 domains of life In photosynthesis what three things must come together to produce sugar and oxygen Light water and carbon dioxide What is chemosynthesis Biological process that uses chemicals such as hydrogen sulfide to combine water carbon dioxide and oxygen into carbohydrates What is an autotrophic organism An organism that can make organic matter through photosynthesis or chemosynthesis Organisms that float and cannot swim against a current are called what Plankton How does light change with depth As light increases light decreases exponentially Which color of the visible spectrum can penetrate the deepest in the ocean Some organisms can
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