Exam 3 I Clicker Questions 1 What is Chemosynthesis The biological process that uses 2 What are the 3 domains of life Bacteria Archea Eukarya 3 Organisms that float and cannot swim against the current are called what Plankton 4 What is an autotrophic organism organisms able to make their own food from inorganic substances 6 How does light change with depth As depth increases light decreases exponentally 7 Some organisms can generate light by themselves This ability is called what Bioluminescence 8 Which color penetrates the deepest in the ocean Blue 9 A poikilotherm is an organism that does what Cannot regulate their body temperature 10 What is the difference between a homeotherm and an endotherm Both can regulate their body temperature but homeotherms are better at it 11 What is Osmosis Diffusion of water across a membrane 12 What strategies or methods help an organism float Becoming smaller to increase surface area to volume ratio Oil storage Gas filled chambers 13 The following pattern describes the concentration of what In the ocean concentra tions are high at the surface then decreases as you go deeper due to respiration reaching a minimum zone after which concentrations increase again 14 What is the name of the zone that includes coastal waters 15 The ocean environmental zone having low temperature no light and great pressure Oxygen Nertic is the zone Abyssal Phytoplankton 16 In the ocean free floating organisms that are autotrophic are called what 17 Plankton are organisms that float Why is a Copepod which can swim and propel it self through the water classified as plankton Because of its small size It cannot swim very fast or very far So its location is determined by the currents 18 What organism is responsible for the vast majority of harmful algal blooms Dinoflagellates 19 What is meroplankton Organisms that only spend part of their life cycle as plankton 20 Which of the following are Phytoplankton Diatoms and Dinoflagellates 21 What is the name of the process that converts disolved organic matter into biomass that can be consumed by other organisms The Microbial loop 22 What is the difference between gross productivity and net productivity Gross productivity is all the organic carbon generated by photosynthesizers while Net productivity is the organic carbon leftover after subtracting the organic carbon used in their cellular respiration 23 In the dark light bottle experiment One of the following is measured by the dark bot tle Respiration 24 What process does phytoplankton biomass depend on Death and grazing Growth and reproduction 25 When referring to phytoplankton biomass what is top down control Grazing by heterotrophic consumers controls the amount of phytoplankton biomass that can accumulate 26 What is the term used to describe a single sequence of organisms through which energy is transferred Food chain 27 What is the trophic efficiency The percent of energy passed to the next higher trophic level from the trophic level below 28 What is a food web The feeding relationship between all organisms in an ecosystem 29 What is a trophic pyramid At successfully higher trophic levels the number of individuals and the total biomass decreases 30 The depth at which the rate of photosynthesis equals the rate of respiration is called what Compensation depth 5 In photosynthesis what things must come together with light energy input to produce sugar and oxygen 31 To which group do the tuna salmon and swordfish belong Nekton 3 32 What percentage of birds are marine species 33 Schooling behavior is thought to offer fish several advantages Which of the following is NOT an advantage of schooling Some predators can take advantage of the high density of prey found in a school 34 What is the primary factor that limits life in the deep ocean Limited food supply 35 Which of the following reptiles are part of the nekton Marine Iguana Sea snake Gavial and green turtle major environmental zones of the ocean There major environmental zones in the ocean 1 Pelagic Zone the water environment 1 Neritic Zone the coastal water zone 2 Oceanic Zone open ocean away from direct influence of land 2 Benthic Zone seafloor environment 1 Supralittoral Zone splash zone covered by waye spray during the highest spring tides 2 Littoroal zone intertidal zone covered by seawater once or twice a day as the water level changes between high and low tides 3 Sublittoral zone subtidal zone below the low tide level and ex tends out over the continental shelf 4 Bathyl and Abyssal zones areas of complete darkness without 5 Hadal zone lies beneath 6000m and is associated with deep ocean seasonal changes trenches Macro algae Large plantlike algae Unlike true plants they do not produce flowers or seeds They have relatively simple tissue structure Most macro algae is benthic attached to the bottom Plankton comes from the greek word Planktos meaning to wander In general Plankton are small organisms commonly less than a few mil They tend to move through the currents from place to place while sus Plankton limeters in size pended in seawater phytoplankton Form the base of most food webs Use solar energy to generate oxygen and the organic food that fuels most of the rest of life in the sea cyaobacteria are the only bacterial members of phytoplankton zooplankton Composed of unicellular as well as multicellular organisms In general they consume other organisms contain the largest members of the plankton jellyfish Five common members of marine phytoplankton DIATOMS larger size class DINOFLAGELLATES larger size class COCCOLITHOPHORIDS larger size class CYANOBACTERIA picoplankton Green Algae picoplankton Harmful algal bloom A small number of phytoplankton can produce toxins discolor the water or otherwise negatively impact human and wildlife health These organisms are known as harmful algal blooms Particular species of phytoplankton will produce a toxin that can be bio magnified through the food web Vast majority are Dinoflagellates Holoplankton and a Meroplankton Holoplankton spend their entire lives as plankton Meroplankton spend only a portion of their lives as plankton What are copepods and euphausiids Why are they important in the ma rine environment these animals are herbivorous and consume more than half their body weight each day Copepods are a link between the phytoplankton or producers and first level carnivorous consumers Euphausiids are larger move slower and live longer Some of the largest organisms in the sea feed on
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