Ch 12 Part 1 1 What are the 3 domains of life Archaea Bacteria Eukarya 2 What marine organism represents the majority of the ocean s biomass Plankton 3 Plankton are organisms that float Why is copeod which can swim and propel itself through water classified as plankton They cannot swim very fast far and their location is determined by currents 4 Organisms that can photosynthesize and produce their own food are called what Autotrophic 5 Meroplankton 6 What are nektobenthos They can swim or crawl through water above the sea floor 7 Food supply 8 Of Earth s total of species why are the fewest in the marine pelagic realm Uniform conditions in the pelagic realm make fewer specialized environments for organism adaptation as different species 9 Why is the surface area to volume ratio important for phytoplankton A larger surface area to volume ratio allows for the phytoplankton to float easily and become resistant to sinking 10 Why do most fish and marine mammals have the same torpedo like streamlined shape The streamlined shape minimizes energy expended to move through water Ch 12 Part 2 1 Most freshwater fish are hypertonic meaning their body cells contain more salt than the surrounding water Since osmosis should push water into their cells why don t they explode To reduce amount of water in cells they don t drink water they secrete large amounts of dilute urine 2 What are the reasons the ocean has a smaller daily seasonal and annual temperature range than that experienced on land Heat capacity of water is much greater warming reduced by evaporation solar radiation at the surface of the ocean good mixing 3 What is the definition of eurythermal Organisms that can tolerate large changes in temperature 4 Freshwater fish are isotonic hypertonic hypotonic relative to their environment Hypertonic 5 How does water pressure change with depth Pressure increases with depth 6 What is the euphotic zone Zone with enough light to support photosynthesis 7 What are the 4 biozones of the oceanic province Epipelagic Mesopelagic Bathypelagic Abyssopelagic 8 What is the neritic province It extends from the shore seaward and includes all water less than 200m deep coastal 9 What is the deepest zone of the suboceanic province Hadal Zone 6000m deep Extra Lecture Stuff for Ch 12 Taxonomy Physical Characteristics genetic info Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species every living thing has two names Living organism capture store transmit energy capable of reproduction able to adapt to their environment 5 Kingdoms Monera single celled no nucleus Plantae plants Animalia animals Fungi Protoctista single multi celled nucleus Phytoplankton Autotrophic make own food Zooplankton Heterotrophic eat other organisms Plankton floaters Bacterioplankton small abundant Virioplankton viruses in the ocean Haloplankton spends entire life as plankton Macroplankton large floaters jellyfish Microplankton small floaters cannot see with eye phytoplankton Nekton swimmers can determine their own position in the ocean migrate distances Adult fish squid marine mammals reptiles Changes in temp salinity viscosity availability of nutrients limit their lateral range Water pressure limits vertical range Benthos Bottom Dwellers Hydrothermal Vent biocommunites thrive on sea floor chemicals Temp More biomass in cooler seawater due to upwelling Warm seawater smaller organisms more appendages grow faster shorter lives reproduce more often Epifauna live on the surface of the sea floor sometimes attached to rocks Infauna live buried in sand shells or mud o Stenothermal organisms withstand small temp variation open ocean o Eurythermal organisms withstand large temp variations coastal Salinity Osmosis diffusion of water water moves from low salinity to high salinity Stenohaline withstand small variations Euryhaline withstand large variation o Isotonic same salinity o Hypertonic salinity seawater o Hypotonic salinity seawater Dissolved Gases Animals extract dissolved oxygen from seawater through gills gills exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide directly with sea water Water moves in opposite direction of blood in the fish so that water will have more oxygen than blood counter current flow Water s Transparency Many animals are transparent but others need camouflage Countershading dark on top light on bottom Disruptive Coloration large bold patterns contrasting colors make animals blend into background Divisions of Marine Environment Pelagic water column o Neritic coastal oceanic greater than 200m Benthic sea floor o Supralittoral subneritic Euphotic explanation in I clicker question Light availability Disphotic small measurable amounts Aphotic no light Ch 13 Part 1 1 Biologcal oceanographers discuss about biomass frequently What is biomass The mass of all living organisms 2 What is the difference between gross primary productivity and net primary productivity Gross all organic carbon produced by photosynthesis net gross primary production cellular respiration 3 What are the two primary factors that control biological productivity in the surface oceans Nutrients and solar radiation sunlight 4 What is the biological pump Moving material from the euphotic zone to the sea floor 5 Why is upwelling such an important factor in creating areas of high biological productivity It brings nutrients back to surface waters to complete the cycle keeps water rich in nutrients 6 Why are the sessile plant like macroalgae only found in littoral and sub littoral environments They require light to reach the ocean bottom which occurs in these zones 7 Given what you know about surface productivity where do you think that sunlight penetrates deepest into the ocean depth of the euphotic zone In photosynthesis what is needed to produce sugar and oxygen Light water and carbon dioxide 8 9 What influences ocean color It depends on the amount of suspended sediments and photosynthetic organisms 10 What is responsible for the red tide phenomenon Occurs in patches of water where certain species of dinoflagellates flourish They are so abundant that the water gives off a red hue Chapter 13 Part II 1 What are the three basic categories of organisms that exist within an ecosystem Producers Consumers Decomposers 2 What is suspension feeding Use of specialized structures to filter water for food 3 What is the gross ecological efficiency Energy passed on to the next higher tropic level divided by the energy received from the trophic level below 4 What is a food chain A sequence of
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