Exam 4 Study Guide Why does the distribution of benthic organisms match the distribution of surface productivity Benthic organisms depend on the food supply from surface waters so if productivity is high then more food reaches them What are some common adaptations for organisms that live on rocky shores They can withstand salinity changes they can withstand temperature changes they have strong methods of attachment to their substrate to withstand pounding waves all of the above Intertidal zonation on a rocky beach is primarily controlled by the Amount of time an organism spends out of water Organisms that live buried in the sediments of the seafloor are known as what Infauna What is an advantage for organisms with a bipartite lifestyle By taking advantage of currents offspring can disperse large distances to a suitable habitat What is the hydrothermal vent community A biologically complex community supported by chemosynthetic organisms that thrive on the chemicals from geothermally heated water A close relationship between unrelated organisms in which one organism benefits and the other is unaffected is known as Commensalism Meiofauna are also members of what group Infauna What do the zooxanthellae or dinoflagellates that have a symbiotic relationship with corals provide for the corals Organic matter How do deep water corals get their food They are filter feeders sieving the water for organic matter What is the process called when an excessive amount of nutrients is introduced to aquatic ecosystems Eutrophication Which of the following are examples of marine pollutants Mercury plastic noise ALL OF THE ABOVE Which of the following pollutants can result in depleted oxygen levels in the marine environment Sewage Which of the following are examples of toxicants Heavy metals Chemical compounds such as DDT and PCBs Excessive concentrations of nutrients ALL OF THE ABOVE What is the name of the process by which the concentrations of toxic chemicals accumulated in organisms increases up the food chain Bioaccumulation How can plastic harm marine organisms They can get entangled and die They can ingest the plastic and die As plastics degrade they can release chemicals that are toxic to them ALL OF THE ABOVE The eastern pacific garbage patch is formed by what The currents making up the pacific gyre concentrate plastic trash What is the term that describes very low concentrations of oxygen in the water Hypoxia What is the dead zone When oxygen levels are so low that they lead to the death of many marine organisms What is the greatest source of oil in the ocean Natural seeps from the seafloor What is the term used to describe the removal of fish from a population faster than the population can reproduce Overfishing What is incidental catch or bycatch The unintentional or accidental catch of non targeted marine organisms by fishers Explain maximum sustainable yield The maximum biomass that can be removed from a fishery without depleting the standing stock What term describes the process of fishing depleting higher trophic levels and then targeting successively lower trophic levels Fishing down the food web What is the difference between a marine protected area and a marine reserve A marine reserve has more strict rules and never allows for any kind of fishing http quizlet com 31458358 oceanography 1001 flash cards Password what
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