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INR 3003 Exam 2 Democracy Class 10 01 I Post Cold War Predictions Essential component of nation state system democracy Years since WWII rise in democracy dip during Cold War era Realists uncomfortable with the end of the Cold War ended bi polarity conflict o Mearsheimer and the realists predict conflict Liberals everything is more interconnected peace through international efforts of cooperation Samuel Huntington Clash of Civilizations also predicts conflict but civilizational Francis Fukuyama The End of History more optimistic view of what is to come o The end of the Cold War and communism allowed for a major explosion of democracy democratization increased peace and global prosperity o Problem sounds odd often misinterpreted because of title II Waves of Democracy Fukuyama s work was a specific response to the spread of democracy Post Cold War expansion means we have reached the end of history o Human progression not over not the end of time the world o We have reached the end of logical evolution of political ideology III Fukuyama s End of History A Hegel German philosopher B Preeminence of Ideas 3 basic components We all have a need for survival Mankind s ability to reason separates us from other animals and helps us survive Innate spiritedness where people search for recognition of one s self worth o Why as a human am I valuable o Seek recognition of own self world o Drives making in quest for equality o Drives us into competition for recognition Democracy great equalizer equality under law o No longer competing with each other to be dominant state or hegemon o We see each other and ourselves as being equal o Recognition of sovereign rights and equality of other states New constructivist identity perspective Fukuyama with Hegel as a predecessor o Ideology comes first o realist power not goal prestige is goal identity o Development of political ideology liberal democracy countries see each other as equals and compete for recognition C Teleological History history as an evolution of ideas Ideas shape political and social organization Man has been trying to work out best form of political ideology throughout history History as development of ideas and ideology which shape everything else o Ideas drive formation of government and state economy o Have to be aware of cultural religious societal differences o Taking identity of others into consideration and modifying our own behavior Logical natural and linear progression of ideas that continues until reaching fulfillment in liberal democracy Criticism ethnocentric very western oriented o Every country would ideally come to accept democracy D Liberal Democracy Challengers Marxism anarchism etc Best for Fukuyama Based specifically on ideals born out of the Enlightenment o Individual freedom equality rights respected and protected by government individual with say government working for the people Clearly defined components o Having a democratic form of government that limits the role of the govt If we are equal there is no justification for any form of rule that dominates the people ensured through voting rights o Protect individual freedoms through laws right to own property or one class would dominate the others o Economic opportunity through capitalism market economy that gives equal opportunities to everyone all can participate and benefit U S liberal democracy Europe social democracy Liberal Democracy faced 2 challenges in the 20th century communism and fascism o Fascism strong before WWII but because of WWII it was discredited o Communism proved unworkable hardships for those under it Soviet Russia fell democracy took hold For Fukuyama this was the end of history man finally found the best form of government where everybody can thrive staying power A Industrialization democracy will come into being as a direct result of the economic transformation of Europe born out of severe social changes B Societies Transformed Economic development promotes democracy by transforming the underlying society the masses which uproot the old political system Classes emerge that demands rights and access to the system Bourgeoisie rich own means of production factory owners o Not part of nobility excluded from rights and privileges reserved only for nobles and upper class pressure system in order to gain rights to means Don t want to completely overturn the system Proletariat workers urban industries brand new in between class o Long hours bad working conditions Politicized join unions Help gain rights better pay safer conditions and shorter work day pressure on old political system to gain rights demand say and protection Urbanization people moved into urban areas where industries and work are o Congregating masses of people in prime political centers put pressure on government and come together to represent a stronger force to make demands IV One explanation for democracy Modernization Theory An industrial society needs to have an educated population seek demands concessions from the government o Most politically active groups students increase education people more aware and bold powerful force Civil society not run by hereditary noble elites civilization run by governments based on a middle class All of these things fundamentally transformed society C Democracy Prevails demands on system inclusion development of democracy D Critiques of Modernization Theory Do we have to have industrialization to get to democracy Most wealth countries are democratic direct correlation between democracy and modernization China is the exception wealthy and not democratic This is the story of the West Will we see the same pattern outside the West No E What perspective is this Democracy is not an identity perspective created out of economic transformation o Without transformation we shouldn t have democracy o Fukuyama we didn t need modernization revolution or economic transformation to get to democracy only ideas principally Democratic Stability Theory We don t need wealth to get democracy but wealth helps stabilize democracy o Wealth contributes to stability and a content population Democratic Peace Class 10 03 V I Democratic Stability Weaker democracies more upheaval not wealthy we can link wealth with stability Peace spreads with democracy most peaceful form of government o If all countries are democracies we should expect peace o Bill Clinton the best strategy to ensure our security and to build a durable peace is to support the advance of democracy

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