These questions are based on class material and the following sections in Trujillo and Thurman 2011 Introduction Chapter 1 Chapter 4 pages 113 115 and 123 125 and Appendices I II and III 1 Has the chemical composition of ocean water remained constant through geologic time No because of human life and mixing material in the mantle 2 Could the earth s mantle have produced enough water to fill the oceans Yes b c gases from within earth rose to the surface where they were expelled to from earth s atmosphere 3 What do we call organisms that can make their own food from inorganic carbon sources Autotrophs 4 What do we call organisms that can break down organic molecules produced by other organisms to release energy Respiration 5 Why did the separation of the Earth into layers occur Plate Tectonics 6 What gases did the earth s early atmosphere from outgassing include ammonia carbon dioxide hydrogen methane 7 How can we use natural radioactive isotopes to determine the age of earth materials By comparing the amt of radioactive material and the amount of decay in rocks 8 What do we call lines on the earth s grid system that run parallel to each other in an east west direction and measure locations north or south Latitude 9 What is a simple and reliable way to measure latitude By the sun or the North Star 10 Where is the deepest spot in the world s ocean Mariana Trench 11 What are manganese nodules Rock consecrations on the sea bottom mineral resource 12 What are gas hydrates Compact chemical structure made of water and natural gas forming ice 13 Who was the 1st European explorer to circumnavigate the earth Magellan started the voyage but Del Cano finished due to Magellan s death 14 Is population growth linear or exponential What is the Rule of 70 for estimating population growth Exponential Rule of 70 70 divided by rate of growth 15 What countries have some of the fastest growing populations in the world China India Nigeria and Ethiopia Are some countries losing population Yes 16 There are 17 megacities greater than 10 million populations in the world today Most of them 11 are in what region of the world Asia 17 What city has the highest population in the world at around 30 million Tokyo 18 What are some mineral resources that are currently exploited from the sea bed What mineral resources may be a future resource Granular sediments placer minerals hydrothermal deposits hydrogenetic minerals 19 What is the Exclusive Economic Zone a seazone over which a state has special rights over the exploration and use of marine resources It stretches from the seaward edge of the state s territorial sea out to 200 nautical miles from its coast 20 The world fish catch seems to have leveled off at around 80 90 million tons annually in spite of the fact that we have better technology and more ships involved in fishing Why has this happened Government regulations and fish population lowering because of overfishing These questions are based on class material and chapter 16 The Oceans and Climate Change in Trujillo and Thurman 2011 1 True False The Earth s climate system involves the exchange of heat and water among the atmosphere hydrosphere geosphere biosphere and cryosphere True 2 True False Feedback loops are the interactions among the Earth s five spheres that either reinforce or negate changes in climate True 3 True False There is a significant positive correlation with sunspot activity and mean global temperature False 4 True False Volcanic eruptions have no impact on global climate patterns they only affect local climate False 5 True False Decrease of summer ice cover in the Arctic Ocean has had a significant impact on Arctic wildlife True 6 The zone in the ocean where sound can travel extremely long distances is called SOFAR channel 7 The atmospheric component that contributes to the majority of greenhouse warming on Earth is carbon dioxide 8 Natural causes for global climate change include which processes Changes in solar energy variation in earths orbit movement of tectonic plates 9 Which atmospheric constituent has the greatest ability to absorb heat on a per molecule basis Chloroflourocarbons 10 An agreement amongst 60 nations to voluntarily limit greenhouse gas emissions is called the Kyoto Protocol Study Questions 3 Spring 2011 These questions are based on class material and chapter 2 in Trujillo and Thurman 2011 1 What characteristic of the seafloor supports the idea that subduction must take place The relatively young age of seafloor 2 What is the relationship between the magnetic north pole and the geographic North Pole They do not coincide 3 New crust is formed at Ridges ocean floor feature and old crust is subducted at Trenches ocean floor feature 4 Do you find older seafloor rocks at mid ocean ridges or in trenches Trenches 5 What type of plate boundary has the most earthquakes Transform 6 Are deep focus earthquakes more common in trenches or along mid ocean ridges Trenches 7 Does the magnetic field of the Earth reverse itself each time magma erupts at a mid ocean ridge No 8 Give an example of a fast moving spreading ridge and a slow moving ridge Which one tends to be more gently sloped than the other Fast moving ridge East Pacific Rise Slow Moving Ridge Mid Atlantic Ridge 9 Are deep sea trenches found at convergent or divergent plate boundaries Convergent 10 Are the earthquakes at divergent plate boundaries shallow or deep focus Shallow Focus 11 How can fossils found in marine sediments provide evidence concerning plate tectonics The same fossils of certain species have been found on different continents around the world suggesting that the world was one land mass at a period in time 12 All continents fit together with the least number of overlaps and gaps when the continents are matched along what depth contour 2000 meters 13 How is it that fossils of ancient polar plants are currently found near the equator During Pangaea all the continents were linked together at the equator 14 Is the climate distribution on Earth primarily controlled by latitude or longitude Latitude 15 Provide four pieces of evidence that supported continental drift The fitting of the continents matching sequences of rocks and mountain chains glacial ages and other climate evidence and distribution of organisms 16 What was the principal line of evidence that confirmed continental drift Nature of the ocean floor 17 The scientists Vine and Matthews determined that new ocean floor was being produced at ocean ridges
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