Test 2 Notes 02 07 2013 Post Cold War Predictions Mearshimer Realists point of view We were going to miss the cold war because of its stability Huntington Predicted conflict in the Post cold war period He was concerned about a clash of civilizations Fukuyama Optimistic about our prospects of peace moving forward W the end of the cold war democracy had triumphed Democracy was going to spread to other states and as democracy spreads he predicts peace will prevail Waves of Democracy 1 1800s Liberal ideas of the enlightenment begin to take hold in Europe 2 Post WWII Democracy had taken in most of Europe begins to spread to Latin America 3 End of the Cold War Growing in Latin America and Africa Gave champions of Democracy optimism that democracy was going to spread throughout the word This signaled the End of History for Fukuyama Fukuyama s End of History Written as democracy is on the rise The endpoint of mankind s ideological evolution and the universalization of western liberal democracy as the final form of human government This is constructivism Identity perspective Looks at ideas norms and values Not a formalized theory like Realism and Liberalism Looks forwards instead of backwards Stumbling blocks are ideology and religion Focusing on Ideological evolution which gives us democracy the logical end Hegel German Philosopher Interprets history in a non materialistic way 3 components to mankind s makeup 1 Survival We are most concerned with surviving 2 Reason Helps us figure out how to survive 3 Innate Spiritedness A desire of recognition from others Mans desire for recognition compels us to compete It is a competition for recognition prestige NOT POWER Democracy gives that recognition Its not about who is more or less powerful it is about equality Democracy recognizes the states as being equal States no longer have to compete for that recognition States can now interact as equals Preeminence of ideas History is the evolution of dominant ideas over time Ideas help to shape our political and social organization Ideas that determine the economic system of the powers Teleological History Its not random events It is a continual linear development from one point to an ending point liberal democracy taking hold Beginning Middle and End Primitive times Led to government Answer tended to be different forms of government domination Empires Feudalism Slavery Middle Liberal Democracy The idea of Liberal Democracy was the most important Came out of the enlightenment Individual rights and equality Liberal Democracy has multiple components Democracy Equality We cannot have a form of government that doesn t involve the consent of the governed Limited government Individual Rights Freedom of Speech Right to own private property These rights increase the power of the people Capitalism Free Market Challengers Communism and Fascism in the 20th century both fail Only one thing left Liberal Democracy Fukuyama says we have reached the end of history Fukuyama says that we will no longer have the HUGE ideological wars 30 years war WWII Modernization Theory Industrialization Democracy is the byproduct of this economic development As we developed economically it changed the political environment Societies Transformed Destabilized political systems Emergence of Bourgeois Middle class started putting pressure on the political system for rights that included them Proletariat Working class They fuel the industrial process They began forming unions to put pressure on the political system for rights Urbanization Cities before this had relatively small population All workers needed to get to the same place where the jobs were Increased communication between the people Education Took off as a result of industrialization Needed people who could continue the industrial process Not just workers People are more aware and demanding Civil Society Moving away from military society regimes The result is democracy The government has to grant rights to the people The wealthiest and most modern states tend to be democracies Tend to have Capitalism China is a challenger Also very poor countries that are democratic Modernization theory is not consistent with Fukuyama It is a liberal argument not Identity For Fukuyama you don t need to have modernization to get democracy Democratic Stability Maybe modernization doesn t cause democracy but wealth Does provide Democratic Stability A lot of the poorer countries that have adopted democracies aren t very stable but the wealthier countries are How can Wealth contribute to stability Wealth make a civil society Middle class has the most to gain Wealth contributes to advances in education The wealthier a state is the higher the cost of transition if it moves away from democracy Evidence supports that wealthier democracies are the most stable Democratic Peace 3 Main Points As democracy has spread peace has gone with it Those in favor of democratization say it is going to bring democracies together They say it is going to decrease warfare and conflict Since democracies yield equality there is no Data says that over the past 4 decades democracies don t fight each other It also shows that typically democracies do not go to war competition and thus no wars If democracies are less militaristic and more likely to hold up peace then we see peace prevail as democracy spread We still exist in anarchy Democracies prefer each other for trade and diplomacy We tend to speak more often and freely with other democracies Our trade ties tend to be deeper with fellow democracies because we trust them to stand by their economical agreements with us From the identity perspectives Democratic peace according to our IR Perspectives Identity Views They are great supporters of the spread of democracy Shared values and beliefs tie us together to friendships and trust The world can only gain from the continued spread of democracy Liberal Views Major proponents of democratization Less likely to go to war because we are deeply involved in cooperation and trade War would threatened those absolute gains Realist Views They don t believe that democracy is guaranteed peace In the context of the cold war we expect the democracies to work together They still believe the democracies could go to war Not as optimistic in the ability of democratization to ensure peace How does Democracy Help Prevent War Public constraints Politicians do not have all power and authority They must answer to the people The policies of the
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