INR 3003 01 08 2013 Introduction to Realism Response to US Idealism Pursuit of Power realpolitik Neo Realism Kenneth Waltz Aka Structural Realism Assumptions States are Rational Unitary Actors States Seek Security Anarchy Balance of Power Alliances Bandwagoning Balancing Polarity Uni Polarity Bi Polarity Multi Polarity Security Dilemma Prisoners Dilemma Game Theory International Relations Developed as a result of the 2 world wars European Wars Most Destructive world had ever seen Europe is also the home of the enlightenment Equality Individual Rights Went from Europe to the rest of the world WW1 15 Million Deaths WW2 Estimated 40 75 Million Deaths Question is Why did this happen in such a society Why wars occur And what we can do to avoid war Main Perspectives of International Relations Realism most prominent Liberalism Constructivism Not one right answer They are just assumptions How the world works or how it should work Look at history to find support Realism What is realism No unified answer Focus on the acquisition and exertion of power Realpolitik A Primary Emphasis on Security and Survival of the State The most important actor in IR is the STATE Thucydides Machiavelli Hobbes Clausewitz Hans Morgenthau Classical Realist Dominance of Realism in American Politics Directly tied to ideals of enlightenment Perfectibility of individual in Society You can have a flawed system but it can be fixed By talking communication By Recognizing and respecting states sovereignty By spreading Democracy War was result of Poor leadership Poorly Organized states Idealism League of Nations Brought states together Tried to provide order and communication Realists thought of this as na ve Argue that conflict cannot be stopped by Democratization War is natural Why Nature of Mankind and it was man who created the states And since individuals are constantly in pursuit of power the states are also The only way to prevent war is to prepare for it Neo Realism Kenneth Waltz 1970s new ideas emerge and realist perspective become more formalized Classical Realists and Neo Realists differ on Solution Conflict is not the result of individuals but the structure of the system or how states are aligned Neo Realism is also known as Structural Realism for this reason Problem is that there is no Global Government States will be in competition and conflict Argue that Hitler is not to blame for WW2 but the governmental structure in Europe that motivated Germany s actions Russia getting stronger made Germany Insecure Ultimate goal of the state is not power but survival A states primary goal is to then ensure security Assumptions States are Rational Unitary Actors States Seek Security May have to increase power which makes neighbors more insecure Existence of Anarchy We don t have a Global Government Each state is responsible for its own security This brings insecurity If this is the case we expect war to be common Why is war common though And what can we do to avoid it We need to have a balanced power and sense of equilibrium to avoid conflict Week states seek allies Strong States also need allies Realists believe that alliances should be fluid not fixed They see alliances as beneficial when it benefits the states however they can also become vulnerable May become too dependent on alliance for protection Bandwagoning Smaller powers flock to the larger power We need to focus on a Balance of Power That is the expected behavior and when it works it decrease the probability of war 1871 Germany unification ruined the balance in Europe because there was no longer equal power Polarity Uni Polarity Hegemonic Stability Theory One major Power is the best guaranteed security Bi Polarity Balance 2 major poles of power most agree on this Multi Polarity Multiple power players Most realists predict this is the future Cooperation Realists think that cooperation is problematic because there is no enforcement Relative Gains What they gain over the other Cooperation pursues absolute gains Cooperation is not guaranteed to work Security Dilemma Prisoners Dilemma Game Theory WWII Key to prisoners Dilemma Do not confess Arm Confess Disarm WWI Germany and the Security Dilemma Unified Germany is Strong Otto Von Bismarck realpolitik Germany came to dominate by the end of the 19th century It was the dominant industrial economic and military power France and Britain were the Traditional Powers How to approach strengthening Germany Reduce power Or woo the Germans to the western side Alliances begin to form to balance of power Triple alliance Germany Austria Hungary and Italy Triple Entente Britain France and Russia We now have equilibrium Should not have war cost is too high for both parties Power Transition High likelihood of war erupting Germany Rising Britain losing power Russia Rising 1905 Germany is stronger than Russia Russia was a vast land with many resources Russia thought to pass Germany within 2 decades Preventative war to prevent Russia from overpowering Germany in the future Arms Race Alliances exasperate war Interwar to WWII Destruction was widely felt of WWI Very unstable Europe as a Result Pyrrhic Victory Lost more than you gained US went home after the war and refused to get involved in European Politics No major Power in Europe League of Nations Helps ensure security by bringing the states together and help facilitate communication Had no distinct military force However they could use military force if it was voted for and the troops were supplied by member countries US was not a part of the league of nations even though it was Woodrow Wilsons idea When the League is challenged it comes up short 1931 Japan was becoming an imperial power and set sights on Manchuria and took it over in 6 months Later renamed Manchukuo League condemned Japans Actions but Japan had a seat in the league with veto power In 1933 Japan withdrew from the league of nations and nothing could be done Italy went after Ethiopia under Mussolini in 1935 Ethiopia appealed to the League and the League condemned Italy and labeled it an aggressor state The league would impose sanctions on rubber tin and arms But not oil Because Mussolini threatened war Britain and France thought that if they kept pushing Mussolini he would move toward Hitler Britain and France later recognized Italy s invasion of Ethiopia as legitimate 1933 Germany leaves League of Nations 1936 Germany Militarized the Rhineland Buffer bw Germany and France Hitler encompasses Austria and Sudetenland
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