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Intro To International Affairs Final Exam Study Guide Good luck everyone Let s finish strong Important terms are in yellow Important events or phrases are in green Nuclear Weapons Deterrence Proliferation 11 7 I Why Don t we use our Nuclear Weapons A Destructiveness During WWII civilians were targeted this would destroy the moral of the Allies used firebombs seen in Korea Vietnam Also used Daisy Cutter enemy Eg German Warsaw Bombing bombs that explode horizontally in mid hair Eg Tokyo bombed by US in 45 B Battlefield Utility Tactical Nuclear Weapons existed but they have not been used Depleted Uranium used for ammunition tank armor artillery o used b c its much more durable o Problem leaves behind radiation A They re Wrong Immoral They are not used b c they are immoral Popular opinion goes against the usage of Nuclear weapons 80 approved the bombing of Japan after the WWI Weapons are much more indiscriminate At this time they didn t understand their destructibility 1 Nuclear Taboo Nina Tannenwald Combines the idea of nuclear weapons being immoral their use being taboo Very quickly world opinion turned 2 Human Tragedy of Hiroshima Nagasaki Extremely destructive bombing over Hiroshima 200K casualties due to This causes universal opposition to using nukes issues should be settled radiation conventionally II Effects on Policy Changes policy on what people should find acceptable focused on banning and controlling weapons went from balance of power to balance of terror The plan would be to limit the possession insure that other NPT members will not pursue offense of nuclear technology A NPT Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty 1968 limit nuclear weapons prevent countries from developing them 1 Countries who signed India Pakistan Israel North Korea signed but pulled out B Biological 1972 Chemical Weapons 1993 1925 WWI Geneva protocol to prevent use of poisonous gas 1972 Biological weapons treaty 1993 Chemical weapons convention These two were designed for countries to destroy their biological chemical weapons C Disarmament vs Deterrence Liberals Disarmament best option is compete disarmament increase Realist Deterrence want to deter the enemy from attack idea of 2nd strike diplomacy capability If a country has nuclear triad they are capable of 2nd strike III Arms Control History see slide Reducing the number ensuring a balance of capabilities Eg Used during the cold war to make sure that the US SU had the same power This establishes Mutual vulnerability b c as long as they were vulnerable public constraints would help keep politicians in line 1963 banned atmospheric testing Partial Test Ban treaty 1968 NPT 1st SALT Treaty 1972 ABM Treaty or Anti Ballistic Missile Treaty limit inter continental ballistic missile interceptors defensive capability increasing vulnerability more vulnerable less likely to do anything aggressive SDI Strategic Defense Initiative Start Wars proposed by Reagan 1979 SALT II wanted to slow down more efficient delivery system US congress didn t ratify this 1996 Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty it would ban all nuclear testing it ends development of new technology 1990s START 91 93 97 Strategic Arms Reduction Talks reduce our offensive nuclear capabilities From MAD to MAP MAD Mutual Assured Destruction If both sides understand that if they strike know that they will be hit back they won t make the first strike In other words since both powers maintained 2nd strike ability its mutually assured destruction o Restrained politicians from becoming aggressive with each other MAP Mutual Assured Protection o Less offensive greater defensive capabilities o Some feared that MAP would increase the likelihood of war by increasing the defensive capabilities IV Nuclear Proliferation capabilities Which states can have Nukes Spread of nuclear weapons offensive nuclear 2 Motives of countries that want to develop offensive nuclear capabilities countries that have done this have been unpredictable Eg N Korea unpredictable unstable Iran defiant of NPT A Realist on Weak New States Realists list preconditions of deterrence insurance of non use Looking at fragile states they have certain precautions 1 State has to have a strong stable gov 2 State has to be in possession of advanced technology 3 modern communications 4 large stock piles of Nukes stockpiles that are dispersed so that the country can take a 1st strike maintain a 2nd 4 precautions for accidents corruption 5 must have solid security V Constructivism the nuclear norm of non use Constructivist Idealist perspective values norms or ideas affect states decisions Norm against use of nuclear weapons be in conformity with the international community The Clash of Civilizations 11 14 I Post Cold War Environment Realists Mearshimer predict conflict shift from Bipolar to Multipolar world Fukuyama predicts that there should be peace due to continuous spread of democracy however there will be conflict during the spread but after in large there should be peace Samuel Huntington something different from the past not a continuation of the age old struggle for power He sees that US s power being threatened o predicts conflict due to clash of civilization a civilization is the highest culture grouping of people at the broadest level of cultural indenting that people have define by both common objective elements such as language history religion customs institutions by the subjective self identification of people II What are the Civilizations He predicts conflict like the Realist do but looking at the core in terms of identity so he blends in Realist constructivist view His 9 civilizations 1 Western N America Europe Australia 2 Confucian China 3 Japanese 4 Islamic Middle East N Africa Central Asia S E Asia parts of S Asia 5 Hindu India 6 Slavic Orthodox Russia East European 7 Latin America 8 African possibly 9 Buddhist Indo China Tibet 3 Ethiopia Turkey Islamic European in the grey area III Conflict becomes Civilizational A From Princes to peoples to ideologies to civilization Wars of the elite monarchs kings were fought to for domestic control Wars had little to do with the people because they were just subjects This changed when Nationalism National identities developed 70 s communist ideology to Russia WWII war of ideologies Liberal democracy Fascism Communism Cold War Battle continues b n liberal democracy communism Fascism falls in WWII Huntington doesn t see this as End of History but nature of our conflict or warfare will change Liberal

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