I Post Cold War Predictions A Mearsheimer Huntington Fukuyama Democracy Huntington Mearsheimer Fukuyama o Emphasizes conflict across civilizational lines o Since 9 11 this has been religious lines o His prediction relies on the traditional power struggle o Most optimistic believed in new age of democratization and prosperity o Cold war over no more challenge to democracy o Democracy will spread throughout the world o His ideas came from the constructionist perspective Ideas culture religion values norms II Waves of Democracy 3 different waves o 1 1st wave 18th 19th century World sees the US Britain US Sweden France Belgium Holland develop democracy o 2 2nd wave comes after end of WWII almost 50 Rest of Western Europe countries and parts of Latin America develop democracy Wave stops in 1964 and throughout 1970 s Military dictatorships established in Brazil Chilies and Argentina 1964 coup of Brazil 1974 and 1976 dictatorships in Chilies and Argentina o 3 3rd wave comes after end of Cold War Soviet Union collapse Allows Eastern Europe to break away and establish democracy Democracy also spreads to Latin America and Africa III Fukuyama s End of History A George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel German Philosopher Says there are 3 major components to human make up survival reason spiritedness o 1 Desire for survival Food water shelter o 2 Ability to reason We are able to figure out how to get what we need to survive food water o 3 Basic Spiritedness Most important component We desire recognition from others Prestige not power Prestige gives way to power Once the level of prestige has been achieved no longer need for competition Identity perspective not realist B Preeminence of Ideas Democracy recognizes all as equals o If we re equals we don t need to fight History is people trying to figure out what system works best C Teleological View of History History has a natural progress to it not just a series of events Has a beginning middle and end o Beginning o Middle First social organization Very primitive i e hunter gatherer Progression new technology leads to new forms of social organization Slavery feudalism New set of ideas liberal democracy D Liberal Democracy Political philosophy that is based on the ideas of the enlightenment o Importance of individual o Puts emphasis on the empowerment of the individual The individual is the most important part of society Individuals should be seen as equals Individuals are the basis for society o How do we live as equals Democracy No justification for any type of political government that dominates individuals The consent of the people People vote to voice their consent opinion Limitations to political power Power should be limited Rights should be guaranteed Freedom of speech thought property belief Market Economy o Was challenged by Fascism Ultra nationalist expansion was not ideal for peace died out Communism Economic problems and misery of communist subjects discredited it IV Modernization Theory A Industrialization Wealthiest states are democratic and democratic states tend to be wealthy Industrialization is responsible for changing society Economic development has promoted democratization Radically transformed societies and posed a challenge to the existing political order B Societies Transformed Creation of Bourgeoisie middle class o Own the means of production o Pose challenge to existing political order o Want the rights of the nobility o Had to challenge gov t for rights to labor freely own property buy sell etc o Not interested in overthrow of gov t just gaining rights Proletariat working class o Often exploited but fuel industry o Miserable in workplace Live in slums Horrible work conditions o Sought greater rights and freedoms Ex Safer work conditions o Had to join political process Challenge existing political order Urbanization o Massive cities o Bring workers to these massive cities where they would work in the industry o Created drastic change to society Increased communication Brought all kinds of people together Shared concerns Mobilization of people o Were now in the political capital Challenged Education o Start building wealth o Emphasis on increasing education o Need educated population to keep industrialization going o Greatest challenge to government Civil Society o No nobility or military running society C Democracy Prevails Succeeds as dominant idea where others failed Democracy o Representation o Voting rights o Universal suffrage o Freedoms o Rights D Critiques of Modernization Theory Modernization does not cause Democracy Story of the West Western Europe and the U S Does not apply outside of the West There has been democracy without modernization E What is perspective of this Liberal Modernization causes democracy Democracy and Democratic Peace Evidence for Modernization Theory and its critics Democracies are the wealthiest nations statistically Critiques point to several things o This theory is western o Countries that developed post WWII have different patterns o CHINA NOT a democracy but follows pattern of modernization o Wealthy countries that are not democratic poor countries that are Democratic Stability Wealth helps create democratic stability Because democracies are often wealthy and vice versa democracies create stability o Sustained by having civil society Upper middle classes o Civil institutions within society o Education and educational opportunities Find new ways to accumulate wealth Contribute to civil society o Drastically increases the stakes If democracy falls lose everything Higher costs of transition Evidence to support democratic stability o Wealthiest 20 of countries are democratic Democratic Peace 3 main points If all states are recognized as equals we shouldn t fight o 1 Democracies do not fight each other statistically sound Crux of democratic peace theory Democracies are less likely to go to war with other o 2 Democracies can be solution to security dilemma despite democracies international anarchy If we are equal then no need to fight over disputes o 3 Democracies prefer each other when it comes to treaded Greater trust Talk more often and openly Democratic peace according to IR perspectives Identity Views o Democracies share value of peace more than non democracies o Share a common set of norms See each other as friends o Shared political ideology Liberal Views o Complex inter dependence Democracies are intertwined economically through trade Stakes too high to defect o Non Zero sum absolute gains
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