I Classical Realism Hans Morgenthau Intro to Realism Exam 1 focus on the role of the state security and survival of the state empire equilibrium period of country s rise in power until they fall or are conquered followed then by a period of equilibrium Woodrow Wilson era Influenced by enlightenment ideas by human progress Individuals were flawed therefore they would create flawed institutions Meaning it s a broken system that can be corrected This could be done by improving communication among states and their leaders Respect of other states and would emphasize on spreading of democracy This would become to be known as Neo Realism A response to US Idealism League of Nations was strongly promoted by the idealistic Wilson that eventually failed Realist felt that war was inevitable As states seek power it s at someone s expense which would eventually lead to conflict Their idea of prevention of war is being prepared for it B Pursuit of Power realpolitik States seek power conflict war preparation for war is crucial empire equilibrium Meaning there is a pattern of dominant empires who dominate a region eventually a bigger empire comes and takes the lead So empires would try to attain more power resulting in the birth of new empires II Neo Realism Kenneth Waltz A aka Structural Realism Neo realist would argue that it was the structure the strengthening Germany that posed a threat to it s neighbors therefore it had a choice to be weak or strengthen in fear of an attack B Assumptions 1 States are Rational Unitary Actors decisions are based on self interest 2 States seek security increasing the security power of one states results in insecurity concern of other states ex During Cold War US secured itself with nuclear weapons as a result threatened others which led to an arms race then to war conflict 3 Anarchy There is no global power we are all sovereign states For the Realist since there is no security we have to put our interest first creates a state of free for all ongoing conflict war is common 1 Alliances Internationally a balance of power is needed So allies are needed for C Balance of Powers strengthening 2 Bandwagoning when smaller states ally with a power state For realist its not a balance For instance when SU signed an agreement with Germany in 1939 SU bought security when Germany expanded power This failed when they got invaded too This option doesn t help the weaker states Realists say equilibrium is needed when it comes to making allies 3 Balancing a state can collapse or a resource could be found that could tip the balance in favor of one state D Polarity 1 Uni Polarity Hegemony U S was hegemony after the fall of SU Some realist think that if one state is the hegemony it s safe Others argue that this type could cause alignment of other states to challenge the power against that state 2 Bipolarity offered best sense of security because two powers would offset one another decreases risk of war 3 Multi Polarity creates gray areas when it comes to alliances Realist don t think that communication guarantee security instead they look for alliances They were focused on 0 sum power interested in gaining self power Realist don t trust in international institutions to keep states out of war E Security Dilemma Prisoner s Dilemma No communication Both Quiet both 1yr Both talk 20yrs One confesses life parole Realist outcome is 20 20 because there is no trust between them Internationally complete disarmament is impossible Prisoner s dilemma is tied to arms race Not being able to trust the other actors a decision is made based on calculation of self interest I WWI A Germany and the Security Dilemma 1871 year of German unification prior to this it was a relatively weak made up of 39 states with Prussia being the most powerful Weak Germany faced a security dilemma absorbed or disarmed with many powerful countries surrounding them Otto Bismarck wanted the unification of Germany survival so he started to gain alliances Triple Entente France Britain Russia Triple alliance central powers Germany Austria Italy B Balance of Power Reasons for its Demise When there is balance of power for the realist war should not be seen because the risk outweighs the gain Unfortunately it doesn t stop WWI 1 Power transition Declining power other states may have an incentive for a preemptive strike New power might have something to prove Pyrrhic victory when the wining state s loss exceeds the gain 2 Russia Preventative war Germans knew Russia was getting stronger Time was of essence Preventive war from Germany who was seeking survival II Interwar to WWII A Balance of power Aftermath of WWI left Europe disheveled as many empires fell New states forming 4 major empires fell Russia Ottoman Austrian Hungarian German Pyrrhic Victory cost were so high that you lost even though you won France britain Russia came out of war worse off Weimar republic in Germany after being dismantled America coming out stronger yet in a position to take over Britain s position as a western leader but decided not to stayed outside of European affairs As a result of all this there is no balance of power B League of Nations body that provided security in world via communication cooperation realists viewed this as idealistic FAILED U S s idea but not a member was heavily reliant on the 2 countries Great Britain and France are in the Pyrrhic and were in no position to go to war and their citizens wanted nothing to do with war Threats Japan veto power in League of Nations i Japan Manchuko Italy invaded Manchurria chinese province renamed it Manchuko League of Nations condemned Japan Japanese delegates would walk out leave LN ii Italy Wanted to expand their colonies in Africa Oct 1935 Italy invaded Ethiopia 50 of the 54 members condemned Italy as an aggressor they would try to impose sanctions of goods such as tins arms and rubber which also hurt Ethiopia Oil was purposely not put into the sanctions one commodity that could have crippled Italy Britain and France recognized it when Italy invaded because they didn t want fascist alliances b n Germany and Italy iii Germany Hitler would remove membership from LN and would open rearmament 1936 knowing that Britain France were focusing on the invasion he would rearm a demilitarized zone the Rhineland 1938 he wants to annex Austria Munich conference with Italy Germany France England The land was part of Czech but he would argue it is predominantly German population At that point the would realize
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