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TELE Exam 4 Notes 04 09 13 Plan of Action until the end of the semester April 9th Lecture by Kavoori on YouTube April 11th Lecture by Mark Lashley o Grady Doctoral Student working on YouTube for his thesis April 16th Lecture by Kavoori end and Exam Review April 18th Exam 4 April 23rd review for people taking one or more to the make up exams April 25th Make up exams YouTube PowerPoint What is YouTube A media platform archive library oracle o Visual library A for of participatory culture Henry Jenkins A form of Vernacular creativity Jean Burgess A Complex parasitical media Mitchem An example of Produsage Bruns Networked Individualism Haythronwaite Wellman Why did they choose the word YouTube You views Tube television Participatory Culture o Formal art gallery o Popular art bathroom walls Opposed to the High Low Formal Popular culture formulation of the past Definition Participatory culture is about creating sharing collective engagement positive or negative and community YouTube is an example of participatory culture o Started as writing then transformed into pictures and eventually videos o Participatory participation o About the act of participating Making a video or writing a comment Collective engagement Vernacular Creativity o Not formal Definition Vernacular Creativity is everyday creative practices o Vernacular everyday spoken language o Everyday creativity In the past storytelling family photographing scrap booking journaling o Like doodling in class o Creative and not formal at all Now Creating and posting videos on YouTube Produsage The concept of produser combines those two words to describe how modern In the past there was a separation of producer and user consumers are using websites like YouTube Definition Produsage is the process of viral creativity in Social Media YouTube facebook ect The means have changed o More people have access to the technology Kavoori s Model YouTube is a Network Media Ecology Story YouTube is a bard for the digital age a storytelling network based on participation o Bard person who sang songs in the past moving from town to town Network Videos Responses Comments Definition YouTube is a network of Stories constituted through participation Participation creating capturing posting critiquing remixing embedding ect There is a connection between all of the videos on YouTube o It s not like the arc of the usual story model We watch networks o How do we make sense of a network Ecology the study of any organism in it s natural environment What is a YouTube story primary texts An account of the network behaving in a complex of ways around one or more This behavior which can be discerned through looking at any video s Architecture Use and Impact YouTube is a network of networks Architecture of YouTube participatory Made up of the primary video the ancillary videos and the comments Architecture is made up of three elements Foundationality Referentiality and o Foundationality refers to main video s primary meaning The actual video you are watching o Referentiality refers to the parallel texts that run alongside it The videos that run alongside the main video o Participatory refers to the context in which the video is read Comments and response videos YouTube Use Digital Play Playing the medium rather than watching it o Similar to channel surfing Catalog Culture Watching YouTube is like flipping through a catalog Celebratory creativity fame is the central pathology of our times Salman Rushide o People want to see if their videos will get hits o Idea of becoming famous You make time to watch television or film you watch YouTube when you have little time o We rarely take specific time to watch YouTube videos YouTube Impact Digital Mobility Polysemy the same video can have multiple meanings across a range of contexts o There is usually a range of audiences Participatory Closure the comments close off discussion around a certain video o It is not open ended participation o The community polices the meaning of a video Discursive thread the primary video the ancillary videos and the comments are extensions or threads around a certain theme or discourse o Threads connect videos together EX the Harlem Shake Videos Had a lot of video every day but it ended after a few weeks Case Study West Side Story West Side Story is a classic American musical Set in NYC in the mid 1950s Rivalry between the Jets and the Sharks o Two teenage street gangs CLIPS that use the song I Feel Pretty CLIP 1 West Side Story 1961 I feel pretty o Story about Romeo and Juliet Puertican and Italian families America is a country of immigrants o This story that is apart of the American experience CLIP 2 Kia to kawan version of I feel pretty o Orchestra Opera Singers o Composer is almost dancing o This was a new way to sing this song CLIP 3 Anger Management Adam Sandler I feel pretty o Genre Comedy o Common thread around language and expression Same song different meanings CLIP 4 Nike Commercial o People jealous of a famous tennis player o The tennis player is pretty and she knows it CLIP 5 John Edwards politician o Clip of a guy getting his hair done o Consumer generated content CLIP 6 A girl singing a cover of I Feel Pretty o By Angel Lee o YouTube is not all cats flushing toilets o Class Members Said Even though she wasn t physically attractive she had a very pretty voice She is really brave to put herself out there like that CLIP 7 Web Site Story o Google maps o I m on twitter I m on twitter o Pandoraaaa I just found a site called pandoraaa

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UGA TELE 3010 - Exam 4

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