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TELE 3010 Exam 4 Notes 04 16 13 Study Guide Exam 4 Thursday April 18th 1 Exam 4 will primarily based on 2 PowerPoint s on Chapter 10 and on the YouTube book with SOME questions from the textbook 2 Reading Youtube Book read sections on videos mentioned in the PowerPoint 3 Chapter 10 Stunrken and Cartwright You do NOT need to read the least section of this chapter it is entitled borders and franchise art and the global 4 Miscellaneous visual material we saw in class 5 Lecture by Mark Lashley on Youtube Vlogging YouTube Lecture Continued The Genres stable forms of storytelling A new form of media Genres types of stories that are told over and over again Types of Genres o The Phenom o The Mirror o The Morph o The Experiment o The Witness o The Short o The Experiment The Phenom Short for Phenomenon Definition A youtube video that has a vast viral impact Defined by viewership Chapter 3 The Phenom Icons In each case the thematic stulistic or narrative treatment of o Gary Brolsma Numa Numa First aired on a German comedy channel o Tay Zonday Chocolate Rain o Chris Crocker Leave Brittany Along o Juan Mann Free Hugs o Soulja Boy Clips Numa Numa Watched Clip Random Guy singing the song o Looks like he is having a lot of fun Watched Clip tow younger guys singing the song Watched Clip Osama Bin Lata Numa Numa o A guy dressed as Osama singing the song o We are transitioning from people just singing the song to people dressing up as someone else Recent Icons Rebecca Black Friday o The song is annoying o We enjoy making fun of her o Made by a record company that parents pay to get their child in a music video PSY Gangnam Style o Turned into a dance craze o A lot of really random funny elements Our culture wants everything new and fun every few seconds o Gangnam Style A part of Soul which is a place Making fun of those people YouTube and everyday life We used to live on farms we used to live in towns now we live on the internet o Quote from the film The Social Network What happens when we start to RECORD life as we LIVE it Our collective understanding of childhood is now increasingly mediated through o We stop living Chapter 4 Phenom Childhood viral means Charlie Bit My Finger from textbook o Ouch Charlie Chapter 5 Phenom Pets Animals are anthropomorphized Animals become vehicles for viral storytelling CLIPS o Talking dog video from a student Voice over to make the dog sound like it was talking Clip called Ultimate Dog Tease on Youtube o Skateboarding Dog Tillman from textbook Did no watch in class Chapter 6 Phenom Dancing Dancing emerges as a key language for viral storytelling focused on performativity and identity Performativity itself becomes a key element in identity presentation fashion reflexivity and representation Clip watched in class o The evolution of Dance textbook In six minutes he takes a history of dance television movies ect and collapses it Chapter 7 Phenom Music YouTube is dominated by music as the language of celebratory creativity Politics AS viral culture social media is now an integral part of how politicans o Both original and remakes Clip didn t watch in class o Hurra Torpedo from the textbook Chapter 8 Phenom Politics and popular culture intersect Clip o Mitt Romney Style A more recent example Watched in class o Obama Girl textbook Did not watch in class Chapter 9 10 and 11 Chapter 9 Lets Get Physical o Guys back flip into Jeans o Daft Hands Chapter 10 YouTube as a medium for fan fiction o Star wars o Cult movies o Ect Chapter 11 Identity Politics o Gender Lonely Girl 15 Miss Teen USA South Carolina The Mirror Examples The posing placement and recording of the self over time with the central idea of keeping a public memory of personal change and continuity available on line o Girl takes picture of herself every day for three years o Noah takes photo every day for six years o Evolution of a beard o 41 years in 60 seconds o Ect Clips o Quick slide show of the pictures of a person aging and changing over time Their styles how they change day to day Music was very serious it was somber They had an emotional investment A visual poem Tells the world how they should look at you The Experiment Recurring elements Science and performativity everyday objects and Extraordinary actions Examples from textbook o Diet Coke and Mentos Watched the clip in class There are tons of blogs and how to s out their teaching the public how to do something similar The Witness of reportage The Witness refers to the intersection of mobile video technologies with concerns o Commonly referred to as I Witness News Properly delineated from other more selective random and often trivial recordings of daily life The Witness is characterized through its placement within a wider journalistic frame by the recording of public experience They are explicitly experiential recording the act of new making Clips o UCLA Taser Incident Dark camera the footage is awful You can t really tell what is happening The sound is very powerful Goes from being a local campus incident to becoming a national story o Saddam Hussein Didn t watch in class o Neda Documentary Video of a woman in Iran who was killed shot in the heart by a snipper taken by a cell phone camera She looked into the camera People will never look at Iran the same way The Short focus on Machinimas Machinimas are short video stories made from gaming software The term machinima is a combo of two words o Such as Halo o Maching o Cinema o With the extra i referring to Amine Refers to a rang of production techniques that uses CGI character generated images in a video game to edit together a narrative using original imagery but new storyline and dialogue Example Red Versus Blue o One of the most iconic short film ever made o Making fun of the video game Halo An editing technique used to morph images especially faces A range of discursive pedagogical and ideological functions underlie the morph The Morph as a genre Clip Women in Art o Famous pieces of artwork with women at the center o Their faces morph into each other in this video End of Class Watched a clip of Mumford and Sons playing the song Ghosts That We Knew o This is the same song that we began the class with

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UGA TELE 3010 - Exam 4

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