Biology 107 Spring 2021 Lab Week 4 Discussion Week of Feb 8 Topics Journal Article Analysis The following questions are related to the paper from Huang et al Isolation characterization and application of a novel specific Salmonella bacteriophage in different food matrices that you read for this week Question 1 The researchers were looking for bacteriophage which are abundant in most environments but they collected environmental samples from some pretty foul and fowl locations what were those locations and why look for phage there Where else would you have looked for these phages Public gyms public restaurants restrooms Question 2 Here are 3 sentences from the manuscript If you were writing a manuscript which section introduction Materials and Methods Results Discussion would you place each statement in Justify your answer for example what was the specific part of each statement that provided evidence of its origin A Among the isolated phages phages LPST10 LPST11 and LPST13 were isolated from sewage near a river while phages LPST18 LPST21 and LPST23 were isolated from sewage of a wastewater treatment plant Phage LPST10 could form a relatively larger and clear plaque with distinct edges with a diameter of 0 5 mm in double layer agar plate methods B many studies have shown that the resistance of Salmonella spp to antibiotics may cause food safety issues owing to potentially insufficient sanitation Balk 2011 In view of this condition bacteriophages which show distinguished resistance mechanisms when compared with antibiotics Torres Barcel Hochberg 2016 have received renewed attention in recent years with regard to controlling foodborne pathogens introduction C the findings of this study provide a solid basis for further research on phage LPST10 and its combination with other phages in phage based biocontrol of Salmonella contamination in foods Conclusion summary discussion Question 3 What is the next set of experiments that the authors could should do related to this project Different phages amounts Prosocial 3 Spring 2021
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