UA PSY 101 - Operant Conditiooning and Reinforcements
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PSYCH 101 1st Edition Lecture 14 Outline of Last Lecture I Learning II Classical Conditioning A Pavlovs Experiments 1 Before Conditioning 2 During Conditioning 3 After Conditioning B Processes of Classical Conditioning 1 Acquisition 2 Extinction 3 Spontaneous Recovery 4 Generalization and Discrimination Outline of Current Lecture I Skinner s Experiments A Operant Chamber II Operant Conditioning A Shaping Behavior B Types of Reinforcers 1 Positive and Negative Reinforcement 2 Primary and Conditioned Reinforcers 3 Immediate and Delayed Reinforcers C Reinforcement Schedules 1 Continuous Reinforcement 2 Partial Reinforcement Types of Partial Reinforcement These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 1 Fixed Ratio 2 Variable Ratio 3 Fixed Interval 4 Variable Interval Current Lecture I II Skinner s Experiments Skinner s experiments extended from Thorndike s thinking especially his Law of Effect This law states that rewarded behavior is likely to occur again A Operant Chamber Using Thorndike s Law of Effect as a starting point Skinner developed the operant chamber or Skinner s Box to study operant conditioning Operant Conditioning A Shaping Behavior Shaping behavior is the operant conditioning procedure in which reinforcers guide behavior toward close approximations of a desired goal B Types of Reinforcers Reinforcement Any even that strengthens the behavior it follows increase in a behavior 1 Positive and Negative Reinforcement Positive Add a desirable stimulus give a high five and you will get a paycheck after Negative Remove and aversive stimulus fasten your seatbelt and no longer have to hear the annoying beeping noise 2 Primary and Conditioned Reinforcers Primary Innately reinforcing a stimulus satisfies a biological need i e receiving sex or a baby likeing jelly beans you don t have to tell them to they just do Conditioned Stimulus that gains its reinforcing power through its association with a primary reinforce i e money a baby wouldn t value money but adults know they could buy more jellybeans with the money meaning more happiness 3 Immediate and Delayed Reinforcers Immediate A reinforcer that occurs instantly after behavior watching late night T V watching it gives instant pleasure no wait Delayed A reinforce that s delayed in time for a certain behavior a weekly check C Reinforcement Schedules 1 Continuous Reinforcement Reinforcing the desired response each time it occurs 2 Partial Reinforcement Reinforcing a response only part of the time This results in slower acquisition and has greater resistance to extinction Types of Partial Reinforcement 1 Fixed Ratio Reinforces a response only after a specified number of responses This has a very high rate of responding i e raise your hand THREE times to get reward 2 Variable Ratio Reinforces a response after an unpredictable number of responses This is very hard to extinguish because of its unpredictability 3 Fixed Interval Reinforces a response only after a fixed time interval Responses occur more frequently as the anticipated time for reward draws near i e Every five minutes raise your hand and get a reward 4 Variable Interval Reinforces a response at unpredictable time intervals This produces slow and steady responding

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UA PSY 101 - Operant Conditiooning and Reinforcements

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 3
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