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COMM 415 1st Edition Lecture 9 Outline of Last Lecture I Clothing Outline of Current Lecture II Functions III Behaviors a qualities b vocalizations c temporal characteristics IV Encoding Factors a personality b emotions c anxiety d cognitive load e sex differences f age Current Lecture 9 Tuesday February 17 y PARALANGUAGE FEATURES OF THE VOICE I Functions A regulating the flow of conversation marking the end beginning of a speaking turn B emotional states next to the face voice is 2 channel of human emotion communication C cognition D speaker characteristics E information F impressions These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute II Behaviors A QUALITIES vary from speaker to speaker e g articulation resonance how clear the voice is thinness B VOCALIZATIONS characteristics that are modified by all speakers e g loudness pitch stress C TEMPORAL CHARACTERISTICS aspects of speech that are a function of time e g speech rate pause duration response latency 1 Spectrogram Image vocal fingerprint 2 Pauses phonetic pause duration of 250 ms 1 4 sec so fast it is not even perceived as silence silent pause duration 250 ms filled pause duration 250 ms but has a sound in it e g umm ah etc used to show thinking and holding the floor III Encoding Factors A personality 1 extraversion fluent speech style fewer silent pauses lack hesitancy faster speech rate volume 2 introversion speech errors less fluent speech style stuttering repetitions slips of the tongue discomfort 3 dominance loud fluent speech style status achievement need for power 4 type A behavior loud fluent speech style control over environment impatience get a lot done in short periods of time faster speech rate volume B emotions the voice 1 studying emotional qualities of the voice content free read a standard passage varying emotions random splicing electronic content filtering synthesize voices or vocal characteristics emotion conveyed w out real voice 2 anger high pitch wide pitch range loud fast 3 joy high pitch wide pitch range loud fast 4 sad low pitch narrow pitch range soft slow C anxiety vocal behavior anxious people 1 have high non ah speech disturbance ration unfilled pauses hesitancies repetitions false starts fluent speech 2 have high speech disturbance ratio SDR developed by Mahl repetition sentence incompletion or reconstruction omission tongue slips stutter ahs fluent speech 3 have high response latency mental work is famous for slowing us down 4 have a higher speech rate D cognitive load vocal behavior 1 speech production is very cognitively demanding 2 decision making speech hesitation 3 hesitations cluster at the beginning of clauses 4 Reynolds Pavio 1968 described abstract nouns longer response latency more silent pauses and filled pauses than describing concrete nouns justice broad vs car specific ambiguous interviewer probes tell me about your family more filled and silent pauses than specific interviewer probes what kind of works do you do alcohol increases silent pauses and hesitations before indication of intoxication in blood level 90 of utterances are 10 words or less 33 are 3 words or less

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Type: Lecture Note
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