UGA TELE 3010 - New Media
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TELE 3010 1nd Edition Lecture 25 Outline of Previous Lecture I Media and Technology Outline of Current Lecture I New Media Social Media a Opportunities and Constraints Current Lecture New Media Social Media New Media is a convergence of Information Technologies Networks Digital Content Digital Media Terms Digitization storage delivery reception of information in digitized form Format binary code 0 1 binary digits or bits sequence of binary code are bytes Forms data text sound images Characteristics of Digital Media Manipulable easily changeable It s easy to change and alter Networkable shared exchanged easily We have the ability through digital media to share tweet re tweet and send things to people very easily Dense large amounts in small spaces Compressible reduce able and expandable Impartial indifferent Convergence Functional content technology networks telephony computers and media 70s separation 80s new media but still separate 90s single platform Industrial 90s corporate mergers Products and Services 80s business These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 90s workers 2000s is all about consumers Networks series of interconnected points Ex telephones Internet The Internet as Network Decentralized packet switching Common protocols language of communication World Wide Web hypertext linking html source code databases of stored information Interactivity describes the participation and user choices like in video games and Internet Again we have this idea of the pro sumer producer consumer Changes the dynamics of media Blur the distinction between individual and mass audience Blur the distinction between producers and receivers The notion of senders and anonymous receivers becomes problematic Interactive communication Mobility Computers in a mobile context Ex iPhone 3 rd generation of 3G Voice text date images gaming GPS location Pervasive ubiquitous computing Rewriting spatial and temporal constraints of human communication Opportunities Constraints of new technologies OPPORTUNITIES Access to information and the ability to participate There s a reduced importance of status A value of large networks There are multiple sources of information Group collaboration of knowledge e Timely information Anonymity Specificity location ability Networking CONSTRAINTS There s a digital divide Security concerns Choice Isolation The truth can be hard to determine Disappearance of public data Safety and responsibility is questioned Privacy can be an issue Financial access most technologies are expensive Competencies

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UGA TELE 3010 - New Media

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 3
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