ADSC 2010 Lecture 17 Outline of Last Lecture I Digestive Systems Monogastrics continued II Pig Diagram Enzymes A Salivary Gland B Stomach C Duodenum D Pancreas E Liver Gall Bladder III Large Intestine IV Ruminant Digestive System A Segments of Ruminant Digestive System 1 Mouth Outline of Current Lecture I Segments of the Ruminant Digestive System A Esophagus B Rumen a Contents b Papillae C Reticulum D Omasum E Abomasum Current Lecture I Segments of the Ruminant Digestive System A Esophagus Two way street organ of Prehension Passageway for feed from the mouth to the reticulo rumen and from the reticulo rumen to the mouth B Rumen anaerobic vat cow 40gal 60 of stomach capacity major site of fermentation a Contents 1 109 or 1010 bacteria mL produce cellulose 2 Up to 106 protozoa mL continue forage breakdown 3 Other bacteria protists fungi viruses mycoplasma b Papillae inside of rumen wall Increase SA for absorption of glucose to make volatile fatty acids VFAs also found in cecum of horse Acetate 2C propionate 3C butyrate 4C easily absorbed by wall of rumen needs neutral pH 6 5 achieved from mainly roughage 20 30 diets IONOPHORES compound buffers keep pH of rumen constant C Reticulum distribution anterior side 5 8 of stomach Heavy particles stay rocks nails etc Lighter Particles go back to rumen forage D Omasum Hard solid because of folds of skin 5 8 of stomach Water absorption Sorting E Abomasum True Stomach RIGHT SIDE 5 10 of stomach Glandular stomach Secretes HCl pepsin pH of 2 3 secretes lysosomes which allow animals to digest microbes and break down the cell wall Hardware disease large sharp particles from rumen reticulum go to finish digesting leads to infection hard to diagnose
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