WSU BIOLOGY 107 - Cellular Respiration

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BOLOGY 107 Lecture 16 Outline of Last Lecture I Alternatives to the Calvin Cycle a C3 plants b C4 plants c Arid conditions II Cellular Respiration a Productive cycles Outline of Current Lecture III Cellular Respiration a Glycolysis b Pyruvate oxidation c Citric acid cycle d Oxidative phosphorylation e Side notes Current Lecture Cellular Respiration 1 Glycolysis a Payoff phase all in pairs 2 G3P molecules i Dehydrogenase reaction G3P and NAD enter and NADH 2 H and phosphate takes place of H on G3P ii Substrate level phosphorylation phosphate from substrate product of previous reaction removed and added to ADP to make ATP iii Isomerase moves the phosphate on the sugar iv Water molecule removed from the sugar v Substrate level phosphorylation removes another phosphate from the sugar to add it to ADP creates ATP and pyruvate 2 Pyruvate oxidation a Pyruvate transferred to mitochondria i Facilitated diffusion through first membrane ii Active transport through to matrix 1 Pyruvate translocase a An antiporter uses energy from transporting H out of the matrix to transport pyruvate against the gradient These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute iii CO2 is stripped from pyruvate to create acetate iv Acetate is attached to Coenzyme A v Regeneration of cofactors 1 Electron transferred to NAD to make NADH 2 Acetyl CoA formed 2 C sugar 3 Citric acid cycle a Characterized by Hans Krebs i Was known as Krebs cycle b Acetyl CoA added to oxaloacetete Coenzyme A removed creates citrate c Water on citrate moved to make isocitrate d Electron transferred to NAD create NADH and H CO2 removed as well create ketoglutarate e Another CO2 is removed and another electron is added to NAD Coenzyme A is added back on ending with NADH H CO2 succinyl CoA f Phosphate added Coenzyme A removed phosphate removed to ADP ending with ATP and succinate g 2 H removed and added to FAD to create FADH2 and fumarate h Water molecule added to create malate i Electron transferred to NAD create NADH and oxaloacetate j Cycle starts again 4 Oxidative phosphorylation a Takes place in mitochondria i Cristae provide increased surface area b Electrons passed progressively to less energetic configurations i Energy used to create H gradient moved to the intermembrane space ii Uses electron transport chain 1 Complexes of proteins and prosthetic groups leading to oxygen 2 NADH enters at complex I FADH2 at complex II 3 Ends by creating water molecules 4 Chemiosmosis uses H gradient to generate ATP a Similar to ATP production in Calvin Cycle of photosynthesis 5 Side notes a Other biomolecules can be broken down in the pathway i Proteins carbohydrates fats b Regulated process i Excess of ATP and citrate inhibit the glycolysis process ii Once these levels deplete process no longer inhibited

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WSU BIOLOGY 107 - Cellular Respiration

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