ADSC 2010 Lecture 14 Outline of Last Lecture I Measurement of Energy in Feedstuf A Nutrients that contribute to energy B Two methods to estimate energy 1 Total Digestible Nutrient TDN 2 Metabolizable Energy ME Net Energy NE II Basic Ration Balancing A Pearson Square Outline of Current Lecture I II Nutrient Utilization Requirements A Maintenance Requirements a Nutrients B Nutrient Utilization for Production Digestion Movie A Prehension B Mastication C Monogastrics Poultry Current Lecture I Nutrient Utilization Requirements A Maintenance Requirements Maintain tissue balance of animal no gain loss Provide adequate energy for normal activity Replace nutrients lost through basal metabolism Based on animal size and metabolic weight Metabolic weight body weight 0 75 a Nutrients II Half of the nutrients fed to livestock are used for maintenance requirements Feedlot situation 30 40 Mature Breeding Animal 85 Nutrients in excess can be used in production B Nutrient Utilization for Production 1 Growth skeletal and muscle growth 2 Reproduction gamete production fetal growth 3 Milk Wool Production High producing dairy cows may require intake 45 times maint requirements 4 Work Digestion Movie A Prehension way an animal gathers food Horse Lips Cow Tongue Sheep Goat Lips Tongue Chicken Beak Human Hands B Mastication Horse Upper lower teeth has molars and premolars Goat Sheep Cow Dental Pad Ruminant Bolus Proximal Colon Large intestine Cecum like appendix is used for microbial digestion Reticular Groove calf lamb not colt C Monogastrics Poultry Monogastrics horse goat chicken Pigs Pylorus Highly muscular acid secreting Liver produces bile which is stored in the gallbladder Chicken Proventriculus acid digestion True stomach Ceca like pigs cecum Pancreas digestion Anterior head
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