WSU BIOLOGY 107 - Biological Energetics

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BOLOGY 107 Lecture 13 Outline of Last Lecture I ATP II Enzymes a Activation energy b Cycle c Regulation Outline of Current Lecture III Enzyme Regulation IV Redox Reactions V Biological Energetics a Photosynthesis b Light c Light reactions Current Lecture Enzyme Regulation 1 Feedback inhibition a Excess product acts as a competitive regulator to shut down the process Redox Reactions 2 Reduction gains electrons and oxidation loses electrons reactions a Cannot have one without the other b The agent that is being reduced is the oxidizing agent c The agent that is being oxidized is the reducing agent d Occur broadly in biological systems e Drives cellular energetics i EXAMPLE NAD 1 An electron carrier coenzyme 2 Oxidizing agent reduced to NADH 3 Stores and transfers energy Biological Energetics 3 Energetic These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute a Energy harvest and recycling i Respiration catabolic and photosynthesis anabolic 4 Photosynthesis i Increase local concentration of reactants b Converts light into chemical energy i 6CO2 6H2O light C6H12O6 6O2 c Plants i Stomata pores in the surface of the leaf for gas exchange ii Mesophyll tissue inside the leaf where photosynthesis occurs iii Chloroplasts photosynthetic cells in mesophyll iv 2 parts to reaction 1 Light reaction takes light water NADP ADP and phosphorus to create NADPH ATP and O2 2 Calvin cycle takes CO2 ATP and NADPH to create NADP ADP phosphorus and CH2O 5 Light a Energy that is electromagnetic functions as a wave and particle i Wavelength distance from one wave to the next in nm ii Visible light 380 750 nm 1 Absorbance vs reflection or transmission a Absorbed light is not seen only reflected or transmitted light is visible iii How to evaluate 1 White light on a prism to a paper A hole in the paper used to specify wavelength sample Transmitted light registers on photoelectric tube read by galvanometer b Chloroplast pigments i Chlorophyll a 1 Directly participates in light reaction a Blue green in color ii Chlorophyll b 1 Harvests light and sends it to chlorophyll a 2 Olive green in color iii Carotenoids 1 Photo protection absorb harmful light 2 Yellow and orange in color 6 Light reactions a Occur in thylakoid membrane b Form ATP NADPH and O2 c Excitation i A photon of light is absorbed ii Electron kicked to higher orbital iii Electron rapidly returns to ground state 1 Energy released as a Heat b A photon fluorescence c Transferred to another electron d Photosystems i Capture excited electrons ii Two part process 1 Light harvesting a Cluster of proteins and pigments transfer energy to reaction center complex b Converts light energy into potential energy excited electrons 2 Reaction center complex a Converts potential energy from electrons to chemical energy electrons leave b Quinone transfers electrons to electron transport chain iii Electron flow 1 Initial light absorbtion by PSII 2 Passing of electrons to primary acceptor quinone 3 Extraction of electrons from water to restore the reaction complex center

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WSU BIOLOGY 107 - Biological Energetics

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