BOLOGY 107 Lecture 12 Outline of Last Lecture I II III IV Cell Wall Extracellular Matrix Metabolism Energetic and Thermodynamics a Laws of thermodynamics b Free energy V ATP Outline of Current Lecture VI ATP VII Enzymes a Activation energy b Cycle c Regulation Current Lecture ATP 1 Common motifs a ATP changes shape charge and electron distribution of molecules b ATP adds binding pocket also done with GTP c Continually being made and used Enzymes 2 Biological macromolecules that act as catalysts a Usually proteins can be RNA b Not consumed in chemical reaction c Substrate specific i Unique protein shape is also isomer specific ii Substrate binds to an active site 1 Was described by lock and key analogy 2 Now use induced fit model substrate changes the shape of the enzyme 3 Activation energy EA a The energy level required to activate a reaction i Brings the reactants to the transition state These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute ii Lowered by enzymes iii G of the whole reaction is not affected b Activation energy is lowered with enzymes by i Providing the proper environment for the reaction to occur ii Increase local concentration of reactants iii Stressing the bonds in reactants iv Participating directly in the reaction 4 Cycle a Substrates enter the active site b Held together by weak bonds c Lower the EA d Substrates are converted to products and are released e Active site is now available for new substrate f EXAMPLE Lactase 1 Made in the small intestine 2 Breaks lactose into glucose and galactose 3 Highly concentrated in infants a Lactase persistence i Continuation of production into adulthood b Lactose intolerance i End to production of lactase g Factors affecting enzyme activity i Temperature and pH h Cofactors i Assist enzymes in reactions 1 Organic cofactors are called coenzymes ii 50 of enzymes require cofactors iii Metal ions vitamins nucleotide derivatives NAD 1 Change shape of enzymes 2 Bridge enzyme to the substrate 3 Participate in reaction iv RNA first hypothesis 1 Complex life evolved from RNA macromolecules formed after 5 Enzyme regulation a Competitive inhibition i Inhibitor binds to active site ii Increase in substrate concentration overcomes inhibition b Noncompetitive inhibition i Inhibitor binds to a different part of the enzyme changes the enzyme shape so it cannot bind to the substrate ii Cannot be overcome
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