WSU BIOLOGY 107 - Extracellular Components and Metabolism

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BOLOGY 107 Lecture 11 Outline of Last Lecture I Plasma Membrane a Permeability b Diffusion c Transport d Endocytosis e Intercellular junctions Outline of Current Lecture II III IV V Cell Wall Extracellular Matrix Metabolism Energetic and Thermodynamics a Laws of thermodynamics b Free energy VI ATP Current Lecture Extracellular Components 1 Cell Wall a Found in plants some fungi and protists i Outside the plasma membrane ii Function to protect and shape the cell b Plant cell walls i Primary and secondary walls ii Middle lamella 1 Made of pectins sticky polysaccharides that act as a glue to hold cells together 2 Extracellular Matrix a Found in animals i Functions as support adhesion movement and regulation b Made of glycol proteins i Cologen and proteoglycans End of Exam 1 These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Cell Metabolism 3 Metabolism a Sum of chemical reactions in cell i Pathways of sequential enzymatic reactions metabolic pathways 1 Non linear b Catabolic release of energy from the breakdown of a complex molecule c Anabolic consumption of energy to build a complex molecule 4 Energetic and Thermodynamics a Energy is the capacity to cause change i Kinetic motion thermal ii Potential stored chemical within a structure membrane potential b First law of thermodynamics i Energy in the universe is neither created nor destroyed it just changes form 1 Known as the conservation of energy c Second law of thermodynamics i Overall disorder will always increase if the system is closed all useful energy will be transferred to heat or useless energy 1 Known as entropy ii Used in the debate against evolution 1 The law does not apply since an organism is not a closed system a Exchange energy with the surroundings b One aspect of disorder can decrease if overall disorder increases tissues vs universe 5 Free Energy a The portion of a systems energy available for work i G Gibbs free energy ii G change in free energy iii G GFinal GInitial b Spontaneous processes have a negative G i Spontaneous if no energy needs to be added to the system c Equation G H T S i H total energy in a system enthalpy ii T temperature iii S disorder in a system entropy d Exergonic energy given off i G spontaneous release of energy e Endergonic energy taken in i G non spontaneous requires energy f Equilibrium i Closed system G until all potential energy is exhausted 1 G 0 G 0 then the system is dead ii Organism is open equilibrium is never reached 6 ATP adenosine triphosphate a Nucleotide with three phosphates i Nucleotide composed of adenosine base and a ribose sugar b Created by exergonic reaction c How ATP is used i Phosphorylate add a phosphate group from ATP to a molecule ii Cleave the phosphate to release energy

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WSU BIOLOGY 107 - Extracellular Components and Metabolism

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