BOLOGY 107 Lecture 6 Outline of Last Lecture I Macromolecules cont a Implications of protein sequencing Outline of Current Lecture II Cell Biology a Microscopy b Prokaryotes c Eukaryotes Current Lecture Cell Biology 1 The basic unit of life a Made from macromolecules 2 Microscopy forms a Light Microscopy LM i Visible light passed through reflected off of or emitted by the specimen ii Can use live cells b Electron Microscopy EM i Electrons passed through or reflected off of the specimen ii Only dead cells iii Scanning Electron Microscopy SEM 1 Electrons bounced off of surface 2 Results in a 3 D image iv Transmission Electron Microscopy TEM 1 Electrons shot through specimen 2 Results in cross section v Freeze Fracture Electron Microscopy 1 Freeze cells in ice chip the ice 2 Splits the cell membrane into the two layers of phospholipids c Fractionation i Use homogenization and centrifugation to create a pellet of specific cells 3 Prokaryote before kernel a No nucleus DNA is in nucleoid region b Possess a cell wall c No membrane bound organelles d Plasma membrane These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute e Cytosol f Chromosomes g Ribosomes 4 Eukaryotes true kernel a Plasma membrane b Cytosol c Chromosomes d Ribosomes e Nucleus f Only some cell have a cell wall g Animal cells i Lysosomes ii Centrosomes iii Flagella h Plant cells i Chloroplasts ii Central vacuole iii Cell wall iv plasmodesmata
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