ADSC 2010 Lecture 5 Outline of Last Lecture I Swine Production II 2013 U S Breeding Sheep A Range Flock Production B Farm Flock Production C 1940s III 2013 U S Broiler Inventory A Vertically Integrated Industry B Lean meat C What helped develop the poultry industry IV 2008 U S Horse Inventory V Breeds of Livestock 1 Beef Cattle Breeds a Bos Taurus British Exotic Continental b Bos Indicus Zebu American Breeds c SimAngos A Angus Breed a Originated in Scotland b Strengths c Weaknesses B Hereford a Originated in England b Strengths c Weaknesses C Shorthorn a Originated in England b Strengths c Weaknesses Outline of Current Lecture I Limousin II Simmental III Charolaise IV Gelbvieh V Bos Indicus Cattle A Brahmen B Beef Master C Brangus VI Other minor breeds of beef cattle A Chianina B Tarentaise C Senepol D Santa Gertrudis E Bradford VII Breeds of Dairy Cattle A Holstein Current Lecture I Limousin 3 in US A Originated in France Black Reddish yellow Horned and polled B Strengths Superior Muscling Moderate to rapid growth II III IV Carcass cutability C Weaknesses Fertility Milk Production Carcass Quality Simmental Dual Purpose Breed 5 in US A Originated in Switzerland Black Red with a white face Horned and polled Large mature size B Strengths Milk production Rapid growth Carcass cutablility C Weaknesses Mature size cost more Can cause Dystocia calving difficulty Carcass cutability Charolaise 4 in US A Originated in France White to creams colored Horned and polled Large mature size B Strengths Muscling Rapid growth Carcass cutability C Weaknesses Cow maintenance costs Dystocia Milk production Gelbvieh 8 in US A Originated in Austria and Germany Black golden colored Horned and polled Moderate mature size B Strengths Fertility early sexual maturity 6mo Milk production Rapid growth Carcass quality C Weaknesses V dystocia at first Marbling USDA study at the bottom Bos Indicus Cattle have a unique appearance A Brahmen 11 in US registries Located in Southern gulf coast Arizona and east texas a Originated in India Gray white Mostly horned Moderate mature size Large hump loose skin big ears b Strengths Heat insect and disease tolerance Mothering ability Extremely protective Longevity Rapid production in crossbreeds Heterosis hybrid vigor c Weaknesses Lack of muscling Fertility late puberty calving at 3years Cold tolerance carcass quality and tenderness B Beef Master 7 in US a Originated in US Multi colored Brahmen Hereford Shorthorn Most horned moderate mature size b Strengths Heat tolerance Mothering ability Performance on forage GRASS c Weaknesses Lack of muscling Variability in performance Carcass cutability Carcass quality and tenderness C Brangus 9 in US a Originated in US Black red Polled 5 8 angus 3 8 Brahmen Moderate mature size b Strengths VI VII Heat tolerance Mothering ability Carcass quality c Weaknesses Muscling Carcass cutablity Temperament Other MINOR breeds of beef cattle A Chianina Tall Originated in Italy White colored with black points B Tarentaise Originated in France C Senepol Bos Taurus Originated in Virgin Islands Great heat tolerance and tenderness WEAKNESS MOTHERS MILK TOO MUCH give up too much of their energy therefore take too long to cycle D Santa Gertruis Originated in US First American breed developed at KING RANCH 3 8 Brahmen 5 8 Shorthorn Muscling weakness E Bradford 3 8 Brahmen 5 8 Hereford Originated in South West Florida Ft Pierce Negative carcass standpoint Breeds of Dairy Cattle A Holstein 80 of dairy cows a Originated in Holland Black and white Large mature size MALE 2 200 FEMALE 1 500 b Strengths Milk production HIGH YIELD 20 300 LBS PER YEAR LACTATION Can go up to 30 000 LOW MILK FAT 3 7 c Weaknesses Longevity Udder failure Rebreeding
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