ECE 2030 Introduction to Computer Engineering Spring 2012 Dr Joseph L A Hughes E 282 Van Leer 404 894 2975 joe hughes ece gatech edu Lectures TuTh 1505 1625 Office Hours Tu 1330 1500 W 1005 1155 or by appointment Prerequisite CS 1371 Texts Mano Kime Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals 4th edition 2008 C 240 Van Leer Section F Class notes and online materials Course Objectives Course Outcomes As part of this course students 1 will be introduced to the basic elements and organizations of digital computing systems 2 design digital computing elements at various levels of abstraction ranging from CMOS switches to datapaths and controllers 3 analyze and design combinational and sequential digital circuits using multiple methods 4 will understand binary representations for numerical values and the algorithms for arithmetic operations on them 5 develop microcode and assembly language sequences to implement simple operations within a datapath Upon successful completion of this course students should be able to 1 realize a Boolean expression with CMOS switches and deMorgan equivalent gates 2 simplify Boolean expressions in product of sums POS and sum of products SOP forms using Karnaugh Maps 3 use multiplexers and decoders in designing combinational systems 4 implement latches and registers for designing state machines 5 implement toggle cells for designing divide by N counters 6 express signed unsigned fixed point and floating point values in binary representations 7 perform signed and unsigned addition and subtraction observing errors 8 design memory arrays using a basic static or dynamic memory cell 9 implement microcode sequences to realize basic operations in a given datapath 10 describe the fields of an instruction set format 11 describe the operation of a branching single cycle controller 12 write assembly language programs including arithmetic memory branching and subroutine operations 1 12 2012 1 20 00 PM ver 2 ECE 2030 Introduction to Computer Engineering Web Sites Spring 2012 The web site for this section of ECE 2030 is located at the following URL http users ece gatech edu hughes ece2030 There also is a shared ECE 2030 web site that includes a general course outline and goals problem sets old exams and other information You are expected to use this site particularly as a source for study problems and to be familiar with the material presented there The URL is http www ece gatech edu academic courses ece2030 Additionally a supplemental website for the Mano Kime textbook is available at http www writphotec com mano4 Attendance Regular lecture attendance is expected particularly since some lecture topics are not covered by the textbook You are responsible for all material covered in class including changes in lab or exam dates If you miss a class you should make arrangements to obtain notes and copies of handouts from another student in the class Materials Course materials and announcements may be distributed in class via email or posted on a course web site Students are expected to read email on a daily basis You are responsible for all announcements or materials regardless of the manner in which they are distributed Grading Quizzes In class Lab Exam 1 Exam 2 Final Exam 15 5 20 20 40 Thursday March 15 2012 Tuesday February 14 2012 Thursday March 29 2012 Thursday May 3 2012 11 30 am 2 20 pm period 11 Exams Exam dates listed above are tentative and subject to change Exact dates will be announced in class at least one week in advance Makeup exams will not be given unless you notify me prior to the scheduled time and have a legitimate excuse for absence All exams will be closed book closed notes with no calculators allowed Quizzes Short quizzes 10 15 minutes each will be given several times during the semester Quiz dates will not be announced in advance and makeup quizzes will not be given The lowest quiz grade or one absence will be dropped from the grade computation All quizzes will be closed book closed notes with no calculators allowed Practice Problems Teaching Assistants Academic Honesty Practice problems including copies of old examinations are available from the shared ECE 2030 web site You are strongly encouraged to form study groups to work the practice problems and prepare for the exams Copies of Dr Hughes old exams also are available on the web site for this section of ECE 2030 The graduate teaching assistants assigned to ECE 2030 will hold office hours in the ECE Help Lab in room C449A Van Leer A schedule of the help lab hours will be posted Students are expected to behave in conformance with the Georgia Tech Honor Code All tests and quizzes are to be completed individually without assistance Incidents of academic dishonesty will be referred in writing to the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs
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