Welcome to Introductory Psychology Psychology 100 Spring 2024 Instructor Dr John Bickford 631 Tobin Hall Office hours by appointment This course uses Moodle Teaching Assistants Graduate Teaching Assistants Ms Brooke Burrows Ms Vanessa Barton All logistical policy and grade concerns First point of contact for all administrative issues Undergraduate Teaching Assistants Office hours contact info on Moodle starting next week Help with course material studying Required materials Feldman R Understanding Psychology 15 e McGraw Hill Connect with SmartBook The textbook and McGraw Hill Connect are purchased as a digital bundle via the link on Moodle OPTIONAL iClicker 2 response unit Physical device only Demonstration next class Course requirements Exams In class activities Done in class only Reaction papers worksheets on Moodle not all used iClicker McGraw Hill Connect Assignments Done at home More on this later Self analysis paper Due April 16 Guidelines on Moodle right now Research relevant experience Departmental requirement for all Psych 100 students What do I have to do to pass Complete assigned readings ahead of class Come to class Write thoughtful reaction papers Participate in iClicker Complete McGraw Hill Connect assignments Take the exams Complete three hours of research relevant experience Write a thoughtful self analysis paper My philosophy of teaching Not a traditional lecture class Importance of active learning Multiple pathways to learning Readings and lectures Reflective writing Interactive demonstrations Class participation Videos Your success is the goal Put in good faith effort Learn something about psychology Broaden your thinking Work on critical thinking and analytical skills persuasive writing self understanding perspective taking social justice awareness etc You should do well Exams In class regular time Multiple choice 25 questions 1 extra credit Non cumulative All reading assignments and in class material May bring one cheat sheet a single 8 5 x 11 page of notes Make up opportunities scheduled Use to make up or use to re take more on this later Final Exam Moodle Course website Important information posted Only means of reporting grades Grade dispute form Syllabus reaction paper worksheets PowerPoint slides Any 5 college students MUST learn and use 8 digit UMass SPIRE ID McGraw Hill Connect assignments From Moodle choose McGraw Hill Campus From McGraw Hill Campus choose Connect One SmartBook assignment per assigned chapter do 10 Each assignment adaptively drills the concepts from its respective chapter Research shows that using SmartBook significantly improves students learning and their final grades Read corresponding chapter assignment first Six Science of Psychology Assignments do 4 Readings on Moodle quizzes on Connect EXTRA CREDIT Seven PsychInteractivity Assignments Interactive tutorials with quizzes on Connect Watch deadlines Assignments come due in batches Works best if you work on them continually Research related experience Ongoing psychological research Student participants are needed Participation compensated with SONA credits Tasks vary Brief descriptions available Choose what interests you Administered by Psychology Department The instructor does not coordinate research experiences Web based management SONA link from Moodle Descriptions of currently available research studies Scheduling a session Tracking your SONA credits SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON MOODLE Note well You are required by the department to earn six SONA credits for three hours of experience Make up policies Generous latitude to accommodate occasional hardships has been provided May miss 5 of 15 SmartBook assignments highest 10 counted May miss 2 of 6 Science of Psychology Assignments highest 4 counted May miss 4 of 9 reaction papers highest 5 counted May miss 5 of 9 iClicker sessions Makeup exams are scheduled No extensions or special makeups No special extra credit opportunities for all though No other allowances will be made must be fair to all Missing more than these very generous allowances must have an impact on your grade Save these allowances for times of genuine need These are pre authorized excusals for genuine hardships including religious observations documented illness death in family athletic travel and all other excuses These allowances are the sole remedy for these situations That is exactly what the allowances are for They are not free days off Make up exams Two make up exams are scheduled Make up 1 covers Exams 1 and 2 Make up 2 covers Exams 3 and 4 Required of all students who miss an exam Optional for all others May be used to try for a higher grade If a make up is taken only the higher grade will be counted when comparing the make up grade and each of the two regular exams it covers In other words it can t hurt Contact one and only one of the Grad TAs before contacting the instructor Emailing policies Check syllabus first Most questions already answered there That s what they are here for Identify yourself very clearly Indicate that you are in PSYCH 100 Include your full name in body of email Review any history to your concern Previous conversations previous emails Understand that we do not work 24 7 Please don t email to tell us you re missing class Academic honesty Earning a college degree is challenging Take away the challenge and the degree is meaningless There is learning value in rising to challenge exercising discipline taking responsibility and following directions Course parameters serve specific learning goals College credit means you met those goals Skirting the parameters defeats the point The point is to meet the learning goals not to get around them through dishonesty or finding loopholes Do your own work fairly and honestly as best you can Defeating the learning goals of this course will result in a failing grade Talking or using electronic devices for non academic purposes during class is disruptive Course objectives Surveying the major content areas in psychology Understanding that psychology is a science and based on research Gaining useful insight into normal human behavior thoughts feelings and motivations Insight into abnormality as well Using the technology Using Moodle https umass moonami com
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