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Vanessa Corona CCJ 2020 Introduction to Criminal Justice Study Guide Exam 3 Chapters 10 11 and 12 Lectures 9 10 and 11 Topics to focus on Corrections Prison vs Jail Local jails served primarily for detention prior to trial or execution rather than for punishment or rehabilitation of the criminal Jails Short term multipurpose holding facilities that serve as the gateway into the CJS Hold defendants awaiting trial defendants convicted of misdemeanor crimes state and federal prisoners people with mental illnesses who are awaiting to be moved to appropriate health facilities 60 6 The percent of un convicted persons in jails Native American County jails Short term incarceration on Native American land under the sovereign control of the Native American tribe What is the difference between a federal jail and local jail They hold federal jail inmates CONVICTED of misdemeanor crimes and federal jail inmates awaiting adjudication or transfer Also they may be transferred to 1 out of 11 federal jails if the jail populations becomes too large or if an inmate is a disciplinary problem Municipal Jails City incarceration facilities separate from the county jail for holding detainees and inmates sentenced for violation of city codes Police holding cells Also called booking cells and lock up facilities secure detention facilities for the purpose of temporarily housing arrestees until they can be booked can be moved to another facility can pay their bail or are released No longer than 48 hours Describe the differences between a state prison and jail State prisons Correctional facilities for prisoners convicted of state crimes Different services procedures and policies are needed than those in local jails Require educational counseling vocational and recreational programs What was the goal of the silent system Penitentiary A correctional institution based on the concept that inmates could change their criminality through reflection and penitence Eastern state penitentiary 1829 maximum security walled self contained institution new philosophy of rehabilitation Silent system The correctional practice of prohibiting inmates from talking to other inmates The goal was to evoke penitence the action of feeling or showing sorrow and regret for having done wrong and would lead to rehabilitation Populations and overcrowding Shame of the CJ system Old poorly funded poorly staffed low priority in local budgets By the end of the 1980 s serious overcrowding 1st cap on Harris County Jail in TX release 250 inmates 1983 85 capacity 1990 104 capacity Innovative ideas to reduce overcrowding Warren Court 1953 1969 ruled that constitutional protections extended to prisoners and prisoners were given the right to file civil lawsuits concerning the conditions of their incarceration Voided the doctrine of civil death Cooper v Aaron 1958 ruled that the states were bound but court decisions and could not ignore them Number of prisons prison construction is one of the most expensive construction projects because of the security and sophisticated technology required Also cost of staffing Private Prisons What is an advantage to using a private prison Privatization The trend to house inmates privately administered prisons Cost reduction benefits reduce costs Provide construction financing options Cost benefit considerations Less time to build facilities Convenience of one entity for all compliance issues Mobilize rapidly Economic development opportunities Local resources Reduce share liability exposure Retain flexibility Private prisons Prisons that house local state or federal inmates for a fee For profit businesses 25 100 a day per inmate What are some of the criticisms of a privately run prison Private companies provide less training and lower salaries to prison personnel and have higher inmate to correctional officer ratios than government prisons State liability A state s liability for violations of an inmate s constitutional rights Do not have immunity from certain lawsuits thousands of lawsuits are filed against private prisons Richardson v McKnight No In a 5 4 opinion delivered by Justice Stephen G Breyer the Court held that prison guards employed by a private firm are not entitled to a qualified immunity from suit by prisoners charging a section 1983 violation Describe some of the services a private prison might not provide at the same level as a public prison Lack of treatment programs rehabilitation programs job training and educational programs Prison classifications What happens during prisoner classification Each prison is distinguished by its security level and the programs available to inmates Prisoner classification The reception and diagnosis of an inmate to decide appropriate security level in which to place him or her and the services of placement Identification of the inmate Examination of the inmate s criminal record Evaluation of the inmate s mental capacity physiological stability Assessment of other factors that may influence his or her assignment gang member educational achievement Prison consultants Private people who give convicted defendants advice and counsel on how to best to present themselves during classification and how to behave in prison Expertise by serving time What factors influence prisoner classification External Initial custody levels Based on type of offense perceived dangerousness and escape risk Internal Determine appropriate housing plan and program interventions Bed assignment Prison I D Similar to booking process repeated bc the inmate reporting for prison may not be the person who was convicted of the crime Initial placement The assignment by the classification process as to the first institution placement and security level of a convicted defendant Maximum Security High fences thick walls secure cells and inmate living facilities at the center Death row One large centrally located max prison in most states Medium Security More freedom than max Counts Ward like housing Minimum Security Lots of freedom More access to programs Guards unarmed no gun tower lower fences Living environment single cell multiple inmate cell or dormitory style housing Change in classification maximum security may be reassigned to medium security based on good behavior and time served What factors might place a prisoner in a special prison population General prison population The nonrestricted population of prison inmates who have access to prison services inmate interactions programs and recreation

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FSU CCJ 2020 - Study Guide

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Exam I

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