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CCJ2020 Exam 3 Study Guide Ch 10 13 Chapter 10 History of jails prisons o In early jails prisoners were responsible for their own necessities and using their own money to buy basics o Both genders and children were in the same cell o Walnut Street Jail Renovated in 1790 Reforms included food water separation based on gender and age separated healthy and mentally ill prohibited alcohol and was more humane Failed because of overcrowding in the jail o Eastern State Penitentiary Penitentiary correctional institution based on the concept that inmates could change their criminality through reflection and penitence Individual cells and were required to learn new skills Expected to read the Bible when not working Invoking guilt would lead inmates to rehabilitation Silent system prisoners couldn t talk to other inmates only to prison guards and other officials Corporal punishment was eliminated o Auburn System Max security prison cells in center of secured building Unique prison structure including 5 tiers back to back design stacked on top of each other Labor was combined to create profitable industries and construction projects economically self sufficient Congregate work system cells were only used for sleeping During the day inmates worked Prisoners were required to march everywhere their schedules wee strictly regulated Solitary confinement est in 1821 by NY legislature confined the worst inmates so they have no contact with other people o Southern Penal System Agrarian based Convict lease system supply farms with labor once Prisoners were shackled together to prevent escape provided by slaves attempts chain gang Prison farm system Using inmates as a labor force farms Challenges to Correctional System and plantations for profit o Highest incarceration rate in the world o Causes of the highest incarceration rates in the world o Rising cost of incarceration Education Rehab process abandoned the idea that criminality is inherited leading to rehab and education programs Restrictions on prison made goods and services federal gov t and states passed laws prohibiting the sale of convict made products they competed w local businesses Prisoner Rights abandoned the idea of civil death Civil death bars prison inmates from bringing Warren court lawsuit in civil court related to his her treatment or conditions of incarceration Justice Warren made landmark decisions increasing inmate rights US Supreme Court years when Chief Number of prisons Cost of corrections o Half of all incarcerated are non violent offenders Jails Short term multi purpose holding facilities gateway into criminal justice system o Managed by sheriff s office or county dept of corrections o NOT facilities the same as police holding cells booking cells or lockup o Amount of jail beds increase in 90s because of the war on crime o 4 Types of jails City Federal County Native American o Most inmates in local jails have not been convicted of a crime o Most at 95 capacity or beyond capacity o Native American jails are only located on reservations and deal with crimes committed ONLY on those reservations misdemeanors only o Functions of local jails Receive people pending arraignment and hold until trial conviction and sentencing Readmit probation parole and bail bond violators Temporary detain juveniles pending transfer to authorities Hold people for military protective custody contempt and courts as witnesses Release convicted inmates to community after they completer their sentence Transfer inmates to federal state and other authorities Houses inmates for other authorizes because of crowded facilities Operate community based reporting programs with day reporting home detention and electronic monitoring Hold inmates for short sentences max is usually 1 year State Prisons Correctional institutions with only convicted offenders usually felonies o Inmates require education counseling vocation and recreational programs not required in jails o 1 below capacity and 15 above capacity Prison Classification Reception and diagnosis of an inmate deciding the appropriate security level to place him her and proper services It enhances the safety of prison environment Considers fewer inmate characteristics like gender age security risk and special populations Classification includes Identification Criminal record Mental capacity and psychological stability Other factors i e gang affiliation age and education Induction includes Exchange of clothing for prison clothes Weapons and contraband search Photographs fingerprints and assigned ID number Reasons for prison classification change Behavior Change in status Other considerations Prison Consultants Private people who give convicted defendants advice and counsel on how tot best present themselves during classification and how to behave in prison Prison Population o General nonrestricted inmates who have access to services programs recreation and other inmate interaction o Special inmates with characteristics that may result in significant risks to themselves other inmates and staff o Women have added considerations during prison classification process Equality b w males and females Health issues Victimization Dependent children and broken families Institutional Racism Incarceration Indicator of the criminal justices system s discrimination against minorities is the ratio of minorities to whites prison o Disproportionate Confinement intentional distributions of people by race in correctional institutions African American men s disenfranchisement from the political system District of Columbia and its 46 states deprive felonies the right to vote wile they are in prison Federal Bureau of Prisons BOP Agency responsible for the administrative oversight of federal prisons and jails o Federal prison population became overcrowded new federal prisons constructed Over 100 federal prisons today o Federal inmates can be housed in any federal prison in the country Allows BOP to move troublemakers to different prisons o BOP has 5 prison classifications Administrative Maximum ADMAX Florence Co High Security Medium Security Low Security Minimum Security o Alcatraz prison built in 1934 was most violent and high risk security It had no rehab educational or treatment programs Private Prisons o Reduce costs to run and build the facility o House local state or federal inmates for a fee o Criticisms of Private Prisons No actual cost savings Detriments to surrounding community State liability Escaped prisoners Training and

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FSU CCJ 2020 - Exam 3 Study Guide

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